Subject: House Rules |
Author: Karri
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Date Posted: 14:08:59 10/21/05 Fri
Regarding the house rules for finnish units:
"6) The Finns may not move south of the original border north of Leningrad (line marked on map), or south of the Svir River at the Karelian ness (marked), east of the line by Karhumaki (marked) and across the old border by Salla (marked), untill turn 40.
Futher more, given the special circumstance of the historic involvment of the Finns, they are not allowed embark on ships or attack into ANY Leningrad or Murmansk hexes. If Leningrad falls the restrictions on the Finns are lifted."
First of all, why turn 40? There were no plans to continue the attack after the objectives in 1941 were reached. Even in 1943, when in all other fronts the Axis forces were outnumbered, here the Finnish and German troops actually outnumbered the Soviets by 2 to 1, yet no offensives were carried out.
Now I suggest following:
1. Murmansk area, should the Germans able to capture Murmansk, the finns are allowed to continue the attack in Salla area.
2. Salla, if the Germans are able to capture hex 122,24 the finnish units are allowed to move into defensive positions within say 10 hexes from the hex(blocking advance from Murmansk and Archangelsk). Finns are not allowed to continue attack towards Murmansk.
3. Karelian Isthmus(the isthums between Leningrad and Viipuri), at the start of turn 40(end of 1st ceasefire) finns are allowed to enter any unoccupied hex. They are not allowed to attack unless attacked.
4. Svir River area, at the start of turn 40 finns are allowed to enter any hex that is not controlled by enemy Zone of Control. This means that if there is an enemy unit next to the hex in question, the finnish untis are not allowed to enter it.
5. Karhumäki area, finnish units are allowed to enter any unoccupied hex.
Of course, capture of Leningrad removes all these rules and gives free hands on everything. I also propose that these restrictions are applied to Swedish forces and that swedish forces are allowed to be stacked with finnish forces.
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