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Subject: Crashing

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Date Posted: 16:06:23 10/09/03 Thu

I've been enjoying this scenario tremendously. In fact, I, removed Hearts of Iron and reinstalled CoW so that I could give it a try. However, my games keep crashing. I have reinstalled the 1.04 patch correctly and have not had a problem with any other scenario's.

Can you all think of any suggestions that might keep the game from crashing? I understand that this game is very large, so it will take a long time between turns. Yet it seems to crash about 3/4's of the way through the Soviet's turn. I would love to be able to play it through, but I can't keep playing for a couple of hours only to have it crash.

Thanks for the help.

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[> Subject: Re: Crashing

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Date Posted: 23:44:37 10/09/03 Thu

You say "3/4' of the way through the Soviet's turn".
Just so I'm understanding you right, you mean when you are actually moving the Soviet units and have moved about 3/4 of them, right?

I'm not sure why it crashes like that for you.
I'm guessing it got something to do with CoW's instability under WinXP (if you indeed are using that).
Larger scenario will make the game even more unstable and couple it with the fact that you then have the game running for multiple hours, because of the time it takes to move all your units, there is that much more time where the risk of a crash is present.

My only suggestion would be for you to save your game during your turn once in a while, so that you don't have to do it all over again.

Not that I've ever had the problem you describe with CoW, but I always make a reboot of my computer before I start CoW, and I keep a minimum of other programs running. It then works well. That is, after my aging P3-800MhZ have taken 30-45 min to calculate a new turn :/

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