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Subject: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 10:55:39 09/28/05 Wed

I was checking the finnish oob, and noticed that each regiment had 10 stugs and 4 hetzer slots. This is totally unhistorical, as the few stugs that finns actually had were assigned to a seprate unit.
Here's a good page on finnish/german/soviet armour in Finland:

I also noticed that 3rd,14th,6th and 17th Inf Div's all have 100% formation profiency, why is that?

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[> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 23:40:51 09/29/05 Thu

You are right. We have for long been working on a new version. We are currently up to version 4.7. Among many many other things that have been updated are the minors including the Finns. We are meeting in the beginning of October to (hopefully) finish the work.

Thank you very much for your inputs.


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[> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 12:13:00 10/11/05 Tue

I've been going through the Finnish oob, and re-doing it partly, this is what I've come up with infantry regiments so far:
144 x rifle squad, however I've read that often companies only had 3 rifle platoons, and 4th only existed on paper. So perhaps the max strenght should thus 108 rifle squads, but the units start with 144.
3 x 120mm mortar assigned, increasing to 9 as the war progresses.
9 x 81mm mortar
10-20 SMG squads, increasing to 50 by 1944. AFAIK, there were no SMG squads, instead the rifles were simply replaced with SMG on the rifle squads. Normally a rifle squads consisted of LMG, SMG and 6 rifles. But since HRS's are for Germans, it's best to just add SMG squads.
6 x AT-Gun, still researching on what AT-guns they had.
36 x Heavy machineguns.
4 x engineer sqauds. The engineers were organised into Engineer battalions, which were subordinate untis to divisions.
20 x jaegar squads. I'm not quite sure what these should be. Assault sqauds? HRS's? Not Rifle squads that's for sure.
21 x Rifle AT+ Squads. Each Company had an 'antitank squad' which consisted of 1 SMG, 8 rifles and 4 AT rifles. Also Machinegun companies had an anti-tank platoon(4 AT-sqauds). The best way to represent this is with with Rifle AT+ squads.

I also checked the finnish HQ artillery, and re-did and as a result the untis lost 1-4 'attack' strenght.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 18:43:22 10/13/05 Thu

I'm not at home until maybe monday. Then I'll look thoroughly into it. Here's just some initial thoughts on the equipment types without any books or sources to back it up.

Rifle squads, mortars and AT-guns sounds about right.
SMG squads is dangerous adding 20/50 because they will recieve the extra 30 already in 1941.
Hvy MG. Not that your figure is incorrect, but for all forces in the game we have actually cut (about in half) the number of MG's in the divisions compared to what they "should" have. We just consider them integrated part of the squads.
Jaeger squads. Are these heavier than regular rifle squads or lighter for better movement?
Rifle AT+ squads. Considering we use HR AT- as Germans equipped with Panzerfausts, it's real overkill giving them AT+ because of 4 AT-rifles. I lean more into just adding them to rifle squads and 4*21 AT (maybe hvy) rifles as seperate equipment.

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[> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 13:48:56 10/17/05 Mon

Considering the SMG's, it's not that dangerous giving them those early. In all the games I've played so far the only units finns are fighting against are those few Garrison units in Karelia.

I have to check the jaegar thing, because I'm not sure at all.

Considering the AT+, later in 1944 when the Soviets started the Summer Offensive in Karelian Isthmus, Finns received panzerfausts from Germany. Now if I recall correctly, the Soviets had some 600 tanks at the start of the offensive, and the finns destroyed at least 600 tanks during the offensive...perhaps the AT+ would be good to present both AT rifles and panzerfausts/shrecks/whatever?

Or perhaps Rifle AT- squads?

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[> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 14:09:21 10/17/05 Mon

Here's the finnish artillery at the start of Continuation War:

Any questions, just ask.

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[> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 14:23:31 10/17/05 Mon

Ant-tank weapons:

6 per regiment, plus a 6 gun detachement in HQ. Perhaps these should be distributed among the infantry regiment, making it 8 guns per regiment?

Anti-aircraft weapons:

Also something I've forgoten to mention. Due to manpower problems all finnish division were downsized to 2 infantry regiments and 1 separate battalion(if I recall correctly the sntreght was something between a regiment and a battalion)

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[> [> Subject: Re: Finnish units

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Date Posted: 14:26:18 10/17/05 Mon

Here's info on the cavalry Brigade:

And the Tank Division:

And something on the jaegars: