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30/6/03 onwards The year of profitability 2nd half FY4

Shares on issue==267,454,100
Searching forum: www.voy.com/159985/, Profits. FY4=ERG==
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End/mth=Nov Sun 30/11/03 U.S. end/3rdquart Sun 30/11/03 beginning/4th 1/4 Mon Dec 1st U.S. time. ERG reappeared=shorts list--long absence 6/10/03ERG-support resistance line established=1.31--11/11/03. New lo 9/12/03=112=term4 19th New low Feb1=NY 101 7/1/04 Dear Sirs We advise that the issue price for 856, 561 ordinary shares issued on 24 December 2003 was $1.18 (95% of the 5 day weighted average share price prior to the issue of the shares) and not $0.15 as notified at item 5 of the Appendix 3B lodged on 24 December 2003. 23/11/03 Stock is turning around---low was 106-Monday 23/2/04 Stock is turning around---rush to cover on the 27/2/04--downward movement heavy volume--margin capitulation--usual hoo hah on cycle -low 99c--30 days day to day options 27/2/04--explains a lot of things.

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