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Subject: Episode 1x01: Initialization

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Date Posted: 07:43:41 09/14/03 Sun


The sun shines bright on Buffy Summers and her friends. They have beaten the First. Although the First
itself was not destroyed, they are convinced the destruction of Sunnydale pushed back the First enough.
After all, most of the Bringers were there, the ubervamps got destroyed and Caleb was killed. All things
considered, things are looking good for the slayers. In the battle that just ended, every potential in the
world had been given the power of the slayer. That way, Buffy, Faith and the newly activated potentials could
fight the First. And now it's done. It's defeated.

You're not the one and only Chosen anymore. You gotta live like a person. How's that feel?

Yeah Buffy, what *are* we gonna do now?

Buffy smiles at the thought. She realizes she *can* do everything she missed doing for so many years.
All that burden could be divided over all the new slayers. She realizes that because she's the most skilled
fighter, she would never be totally free of her duties, but just the thought that there are people like her,
comforted her. But what she wants to do now.... she has no idea. She hasn't really processed everything yet.
The fight against the First were not without cost. Several new slayers were killed just minutes after they
were activated. Apart from that, Spike died saving the world. Buffy has a mourning look on her face for
just a second. However, a smile quickly appears on her face as she realizes that Spike did what he wanted
to do. He wanted to redeem himself.

BUFFY *softly*
Congratulations Spike. You did it. You saved us all.

BUFFY *to everyone*
Let's get out of here and we'll figure everything out later

I'm with B. Come on... back in the bus

Without any objections, Faith directs everyone back into the bus. Buffy is the last to enter. Within
the minute, everyone has taken their seats and the bus takes off, heading for destiny unknown...

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy
Eliza Dushku as Faith

Guest stars:
Nicholas Brendon as Xander
Alyson Hannigan as Willow
Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn
Anthony Stewart Head as Giles
Tom Lenk as Andrew
Iyari Limon as Kennedy
Indigo as Rona
Felicia Day as Vi

As soon as they got driving, a cheerful mood soon filles the bus. Giles is driving the bus and Buffy
is standing next to him, facing everyone in the bus. She waits a few seconds, trying to get everyone's
attention without saying anything. Her look wanders through the bus, from slayer to slayer, to Willow,
Dawn, principal Wood, Andrew..... and finally Xander. Xander isn't overly happy. He's not even looking
back at Buffy. He is just blankly staring in front of him. Buffy's expression changes. She had forgotten
about Anya. An expression of guilt appears on her face. After thinking about it for a few seconds,
everyone in the bus is quiet and focussed on Buffy.

I know you're all happy that we won....

Literally all the newly activated slayers let out a loud cheer. All the other don't say a word, they
recognize Buffy's tone of voice as a serious one.

.... but we didn't win without a cost. A lot of people died today. I think that it's not more than normal,
that we pay our respect to those who gave their lives to protect ours

Silence fills the bus, not the slightest sound is heard. Giles had pulled the car to the side of the road.

I don't have to tell all you newly activated slayers that you've been lucky. A lot of slayers weren't
that lucky today. They knew that there was a risk. They faced it..... and they died while doing the right
thing. Every human dies.... I think the best way to leave this world is by doing what's right. If you give
your life while fighting evil.... you're a real slayer

It is still as silent as ever. Each of Buffy's words slightly echo through the bus.

And then there is Spike..... a vampire, but with a soul. I know that you are all slayers, and that a vampire
is considered the enemy..... but you all knew Spike as a friend. He helped us when he didn't have to. He might
have done many terrible things in the past, but today, he saved the world by sacrificing his own life.

Buffy stops for a few seconds before continuing

Now.... he sacrificed himself for to save the entire world. That's a good deal, you might think. You're
all probably thinking that you would sacrifice yourself to save the whole world? Everyone would always remember
you as the great warrior who gave his life to protect the world.

Buffy needs a few seconds to clear her throat. This talk about Spike is getting to her.

Now ask yourself this, would you sacrifice your life to save the life of someone else?.... Someone you're
not even good friends with?.... Because *that* is what Anya did. In a way, her sacrifice was even greater
than Spike's. She sacrificed herself to save one person. She may have been tactless at times, but she way
always honest. She may have been powerless... she still fought right there with us. I want everyone to think
very carefully about what she did... what *Anya* did... and think about whether or not *you* have the inner
strength to do that. I'm counting on it that you all do.

Buffy sits down in the front row. Giles starts up the bus again and they take off. It remains quiet inside
the bus. It is quiet and remains quiet as the bus drives away.

@@@next scene@@@

The bus ride is not very long after about half an hour, they arrive at a small hotel. Giles parks the bus
on a huge empty parking lot and the entire group enters a hotel. The desk clerk is a little surprised to
see such a large group coming without reservations.

DESK CLERK *a little surprised*
Hello sir. Can I help you?

Yes, thank you. We would like to rent some rooms

And what kind of rooms would you like?

Giles looks around at the entire group and makes a quick count. He comes to 13.

Seven two-bed rooms would be good. Is that available?

DESK CLERK *smiles*
Of course sir, we don't get a lot of customers anymore

The desk clerk gives Giles the keys and Giles pays the man for the rooms. The desk clerk points them to
where the rooms are. Giles is a bit surprised; normally, people are brought to their rooms by someone.
He doesn't really care though. The place is probably just understaffed.

Let's go

Everyone follows Giles to the first floor where all their rooms are next to each other.

I'll take the first room...... Robin?

Yes, good idea

They walk to the second room.

Who's taking this one


Willow swoops the key from Giles' hand and she and Kennedy quickly get in.

Ooookay then...

Giles smiles and they all walk to the third room. Xander takes the key and he and Andrew get in. The
four newly activated slayers take the next two rooms. Dawn and Buffy take the sixth room. Giles gives
Faith the last key and he and Wood enter their own room, leaving Faith alone in the hallway. Faith is
visibly a bit dissapointed that noone wants to be her roommate.

Right.....Who was I kidding?

Without smiling, Faith opens her door and gets into her room. It's silent in the hallway again.

@@@next scene@@@

Around five, everyone has rested enough and gathered at the lounge. The hotel really *is* quiet; they are
the only ones there.

So Giles, why the early meeting?

It's five in the afternoon!

It's probably discussing about the future. I know because Giles woke me up an hour ago. Or more precisely,
he woke up Buffy and she woke me up.

And that couldn't wait until a few hours later?

Maybe you and your girlfriend shouldn't have stayed in the same room. You might have gotten more rest.

Willow and Kennedy give each other an embarassed look.

Oh my god... it's true.

KENNEDY *changing the subject*
So Giles.... talk away!

GILES *smiles*
Are you sure, because I can wait a few minutes

No no, I'm ready

GILES *smiles
Alright then.... I suppose you're all wondering what we're going to do now?..... Well, Buffy and I have
discussed it thoroughly for awhile and we think that all the slayers should protect the hellmouth

Uh Giles.... we kinda destroyed the hellmouth.

Yes we did...... but there's another hellmouth in a small town called Crestfall


If you're joking Giles.... this is *not* funny

I'm *not* joking

Exactly how much of these hellmouths are there?

Just one.... as far as we know. I have no idea why nobody ever located this one before. But
some very reliable sources told that another hellmouth was there

The slayers react as would be expected. They figured the world was safe because the hellmouth was
destroyed. The lounge is one big mess right about now, all the slayers are talking though each
other while Buffy, Giles, Wood, Faith, Dawn, Andrew and Xander watch them. After awhile, Buffy
decides that it's time to get back to the question at hand.

Alright y'all. Now the question is.... what do you want to do? I am going to Crestfall but what you
all want to do is your choice. Think about it. We're not forcing you to join me.

The slayers start thinking out loud. Some of them want to leave but most of them seem to want to stay.

I want to come with you.... to guard the hellmouth. I want.....


Almost everyone starts laughing, except Willow and Kennedy of course. Suddenly, Kennedy's expression
changes and just as suddenly, she collapses to the ground.


Kennedy is not getting up. Willow goes over to check up on her.

She's alive but......

Right then, all the other newly activated slayers crumble just like Kennedy.

@@@next scene@@@

It's been ten minutes. One after the other, all the slayers have awakened. They seem in good health
again but are all sitting on some seats.

Giles, what was that?

It's.... something....

Great help Giles. It only affected the newbies, that's gotta mean something.

I feel weak. I feel like I can hardly walk.

Buffy and Giles exchange a look.

I feel like that too. What do you think that means?

Uh Buffy.... maybe my spell was only temporary

Are you serious?

I'm afraid so

If that is so, then I can't allow them to go to the hellmouth. They need to be trained by watchers.

But the council was destroyed. How can we find enough watchers?

Giles expected this question of course.

I've been talking with ex-council member for the past few hours. We are severely understaffed but
we've got enough manpower to rebuild the council and resume training the potentials.

Now here is another issue. I'm going to London to help with rebuilding the council...... and we
could use any help we can get.

Giles? Are you forgetting about the new hellmouth?

I'm going with B. I'm sure we can protect that town together

I'll help with the council.

I'll come too.

GILES *smiles*
Good. What about the rest of you..... Xander... Dawn?

I'll help.

Everyone looks at Andrew as if he just said something crazy.

Hey, you said you could use any help you could get

GILES *smiles*
Your help would be very welcome Andrew

I...I don't know. Can't I think about it?

We're on a clock here, carpenter

Somehow I think I don't really have a choice

Sure you do. You can go wherever you want. It's your choice.

DAWN *to Buffy*
I want to go with you

Buffy is visibly pleased with this and smiles at Dawn. Dawn is happy that Buffy doesn't want
her to go with Giles.

Alright.... me, B and the kid. This could be fun

Dawn shoots Faith and an angry glare for calling her a kid.

XANDER *suddenly*
I'm going with Giles

What?! Is this about what Faith said?..... because, she's an idiot

FAITH *quick*
Thanks for that

BUFFY *quick*
Very welcome

XANDER *smiles*
It's not that. I just want to help.... and I think I can do more while helping Giles

Xander looks at Buffy to see what she thinks about it.

BUFFY *smiles*
It's okay Xand. That's why I asked.... you all should do what you want to do. And it's not like
it's forever.

Very true. When the council is fully rebuilt, we'll get together again

Alright. When do we go?

Two days from now we leave.

Wow, a whole day of vacation

Her voice doesn't tell if she's being sarcastic or not.

Yeah Buffy, one day of vacation. What are we gonna do?

@@@next scene@@@

Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Xander are walking at the mall. They are all carrying two to four bags.

You know, I haven't done this in a long time

Fighting for your life does that...... you forget about stuff like this

I think my wallet was happier when we were fighting for our lives

Are you saying you didn't miss doing this?

I refuse to answer that on grounds of my masculenity

Don't worry Xand. You look very manly carrying all those shopping bags

Faith doesn't know what she's missing

No she's not

You didn't ask her.

No...... I just wanted the four of us to go shopping together

Buffy.... she's going to live with us for quite awhile. I think it'd be better if you
two got along

BUFFY *defensive*
We get along. She's just not one of my best friends

I can understand that... but maybe you should give her another chance.

Yeah... maybe

@@@next scene@@@

That night, Buffy can't sleep. She's tossing and turning but can't seem to get to sleep. She looks
over at the other bed and sees that Dawn is sleeping. Buffy gets out of bed, puts on her clothes and
gets out of her room. When she enters the hallway, she hears a sound coming from downstairs.

VOICE *far away*
You have what? Guests? Maybe we weren't clear enough.

Buffy walks through the hallway and down towards the entrance. There she sees the desk clerk and a
gang of at least twenty dangerous-looking demons.

Now you're gonna tell us where they are and we'll kill them.

DESK CLERK *afraid*
Yes yes, whatever you want

Neither the demons nor the desk clerk has noticed Buffy though and she quickly moves upstairs.
She walks through the hallway banging three times on all the doors, waking everyone in the process.
One by one, the doors open and they all step out of the room.

Buffy! What on earth....

We're going to be attacked

What? By who?

There's a gang of at least twenty demons downstairs. They look dangerous.

So B, what's the plan?

Giles, we have any weapons?

A few

Get them. Faith and I will distract the demons. You all get to Giles room. Will, can

Create a barrier so they can't come in..... sure

Giles gets the weapons they have. It's not much, one stake, one sword, one axe and one crossbow
with a few bolts Faith takes the crossbow and the sword and Buffy takes the axe. After all, it's
not vampires they're dealing with so a stake is not very usefull.

Okay, you stay quiet in there

Faith loads the crossbow with two bolts as she and Buffy walk down the stairs. They peek around
the corner and spot the demons still standing in the hallway.

Well, here goes....

Faith fires her two crossbow bolts in quick succession hitting two demons directly in the head.
They both fall down and before they know what happened, Faith already reloaded her crossbow. She
fires again killing another demon.

This is almost too easy

Then, the demons spot them and charge towards them. Faith manages to kill a fourth one but then
the demons come too close. She drops the crossbow and grabs the sword. Buffy holds her axe ready.

BUFFY *shouts to Faith*
You and your big mouth!

Buffy and Faith stand ready as a large group of demons charges at them. The first demon that comes
in reach is quickly decapitated by Buffy's axe. The other demons freeze in their tracks and look at
their fallen comrade.

BUFFY *whispers* *to Faith*
That was the leader

BUFFY *to demons*
Alright, if you don't wanna end up like your leader, get out!

The demons look at each other and quickly run for the exits. Within seconds, the demons are gone.

Why the hell did you do that?! I was ready

Faith.... you do the counting

We're slayers B, we fight..... not count. Besides, did it ever occur to you that they'll come back
when we're gone?

Buffy's expression changes. No, she didn't think about that.

BUFFY *shakes it off*
Still, the odds were against us. Come on, let's get back upstairs.

Buffy and Faith turn around to go upstairs but then, the demons come charging back in. There are more
of them than before. Some of them must have been waiting outside.

Now *that's* more like it

Buffy looks at Faith for a second. She doesn't like the odds but Faith doesn't seem to care.

---One minute later---

Buffy and Faith are standing victorious over what has to be at least twenty-five demon corpses.

Am I spoilt, fighting those ubervamps, or are these guys just pathetic

Well... they are now

Faith smiles.

Come on. Let's go find the others.

@@@next scene@@@

The next morning the gang is ready to leave. Giles is checking out while the others are waiting.

And please remember, if you ever need a place to stay... you're always welcome here

GILES *smiles*
Thank you, I'll.... keep that in mind

After the checking out, they all leave the hotel and get back on the bus. It seems like everyone
remembered where they sat because they all take the same seats as before..... except that now,
Xander is driving. Giles is standing next to Xander facing the rest of the gang and Buffy is sitting
in the first row.

Alright, now here's what we're going to do...... we're going to drive to Crestfall first and arrange
things for Buffy, Faith and Dawn. Then, we'll drive to a nearby airport and take a plane to London.

Everyone nods in understanding and after Giles sits down next to Buffy, the bus takes off.

BUFFY *to Giles*
So what are we gonna do once we get to Crestfall?

Well, I've called some old friends and they have arranged a house for the three of you. I've talked to
Robin and he said he transferred all school records before Sunnydale was destroyed. So Dawn should be able
to enter one of the local schools.

That's good. Any chance he got me a job too?

I'm afraid you'll have to find a job once you get there. But until you do....

Giles hands Buffy a credit card.

This is the credit card of an account I opened yesterday. Some of the dead council operatives have
*donated* their resources on this account.

BUFFY *smiles*
You had Willow hack into their accounts, didn't you?

GILES *smiles*
It only took her a few minutes.

BUFFY *smiles*
I thought those accounts were very well protected.

She used magic. I think you can live of this for quite awhile.

Thanks Giles..... how long do you think we'll be split up?

Well, rebuilding the council is not easy. About a year, I think.

I just hope me and Faith can handle it

I'm sure you can

@@@next scene@@@

The bus arrives at a large mansion. The house is surrounded by a large fence and the garden between
the fence and the house is bewildered. It's dark which makes the house seem creepy. The house looks
creepy from a distance to Buffy, Dawn and Faith too but they are impressed nonetheless. The fence
seems to be unlocked and Xander drives the bus through, which is not easy.

Whoa Giles! This is our house?

Yes, it belongs to a friend of me. He lets us rent it pretty cheap.

Tell your friend that we love it


The bus stops and everyone gets off the bus. Buffy, Dawn and Faith give their friends a big hug.
Even Andrew gets a goodbye hug from Dawn and Buffy. Giles and Andrew get a manly handshake from Xander.

WILLOW *to Buffy*
We'll keep in touch often.... and if you need any help.... I can always come over

BUFFY *smiles* *to Willow*
Thanks Will. I'll keep that in mind.

BUFFY *to everyone*
And the house is big enough. If any of you feels like visiting, feel free.

XANDER *to Buffy*
See you later Buff.

Buffy senses that something is troubling Xander.

What's wrong Xand?

It's this whole plan. I want to help you and Dawn, but I also want to help Willow and Giles.
It's not fair to make me choose.

You're right..... it's not fair. Why don't you stay here?

I think here.... I'll just be in the way. Rebuilding is something I'm good at... you know, considering
all the practice I've had.

BUFFY *smiles*
I understand that...but Xander.... look at me.... You were never in the way. Sure, you messed up a few
times, but so did everyone else. And when the council is rebuilt, we will fight together again.

XANDER *smiles*
You promise?

I promise

Buffy, I'm sorry we have to go so fast but our flight leaves very soon.

I understand. Call me when you get to London and we'll talk.

Everyone who is not staying at the house walks to the bus, leaving Dawn, Buffy and Faith in the front
of the house. When the bus drives away, all three of them wave goodbye. After that, Buffy grabs the
keys that Giles gave her before and opens the front door. All three of them walk in to find that the
house is fully furnished, but a total mess. Furniture is mostly in one piece but incredibly dirty and
all over the place.

FAITH *sarcastic*
Now I know why Giles was in such a hurry.

Ah, we'll deal with it tomorrow. Let's find the bedrooms and go to sleep.

Buffy and Dawn walk upstairs with Faith following them.

Downstairs, a creature suddenly appears. It looks a little ghostly as it is partly transparent and is
glowing slightly.

What is this? Invaders!

Next to the creature, about five more of them appear. They all seem not-so-happy.

@@@next scene@@@


We see the Sunnydale Highschool. It's dark and ravaged, but still standing. Suddenly, a light appears
from somewhere. We see Anya lying on the floor. From a distance, she looks dead, but once we come closer,
it shows that she is still alive..... barely.

We can now see the direction from where the light comes and it is D'Hoffryn.

Well Anyanka, looks like you're a bit.... dying now

Anya can barely speak.

D'HOFFRYN *grins*
Now Anyanka, where are you with your sarcastic remarks now?

ANYA *hurts*
Whhhat... do... you...... want?

Right to the point as usual. I have been sent here with a proposition. I will heal you and send you
back to earth. And in return, you kill the slayer..... Buffy that is. I would like to mention that the
deal is binding and that you have one month. If you kill her, you can go back to your pathetic life....
if you don't I'll see to it that you and everyone you know will end up back here. Now.... what do you say?
Just wish it and you'll be out of here before you know it.

Camera zooms in on Anya's face. It's too hard to tell her expression through the pain she's in.

Guest stars:
Emma Caulfield as Anya
Andy Umberger as D'Hoffryn

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[> Subject: ooh nice ending

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Date Posted: 09:22:13 09/14/03 Sun

Is Anyanka gonna be the Big Bad? Is Dawn gonna stay with them if so why isn't she a regular? Nice stuff.

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[> [> Subject: All questions that will soon be answered

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Date Posted: 10:27:17 09/14/03 Sun

But not now.

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[> Subject: Also voting for . . .

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Date Posted: 11:05:49 09/14/03 Sun

MT/Dawn as a regular. Perhaps not the star status of SMG/Buffy or ED/Faith, but regular. Oh, I don't get a vote. Well, clamoring then. Would you believe begging?

I'm also surprised that a Willow fan, evil or not, would have her away from the action. Hmmm. Does that mean the action is in more than one place?

Laugh out loud funny stuff:
Rona's "Oh my god... it's true."

Good introduction and smooth transition from Sunnydale to the new hellmouth. Reasonably good demon MotWs, but they were sure wusses. The ghostly occupants of the house -- I wonder whether they are next ep's MotW or are they more like Dennis? Anyanka is also set up as a baddie. Will she follow through?

I know, wait.

*Taps foot waiting for the next ep.*

In the mean time, I'm off to add another link to the Sister Slayer board.

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[> Subject: ooh go check DOF board for your "shiney new links"

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Date Posted: 12:13:08 09/14/03 Sun

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[> Subject: liking this

I mock you with my monkey pants
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Date Posted: 05:52:11 09/15/03 Mon

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[> Subject: Re: Episode 1x01: Initialization

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Date Posted: 06:28:17 09/15/03 Mon

Yep! You've done it again EvilWillowFan! Im hooked!
This fanfic is bookmarked and I cant wait for the next episode!

A few questions, and one mumble.
1) Are we going to get to see the rebuilding of the Council? IE: Willow, Giles, Xander and co.

2) Are we going to get some new regulars??

and the mumble...) I didnt really like how the Potential-come-Slayer-go-Potential bit happened, Reason being is it was very fast. But its no biggie!

Great new fanfic!

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[> [> Subject: Well....

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Date Posted: 08:13:14 09/15/03 Mon

The story will be focussed on Buffy and Faith, but some scenes of the rebuild of the council will be shown. It won't be a big issue though.

Yes, we will get new regulars. I'm still thinking about whether or not to make Dawn a regular. I probably will (since both MTsFan and VKMax seem to want it). My goal is 6 regulars (which may vary). The three (probably) new regulars will be introduced and added in the first half of the season (so not all at once).

About the p->s->p thing, I wanted to create a reason for Buffy and Faith working together. If the potentials were all still activated, Buffy/Faith would have been very non-believable. But you're probably right that it went a bit fast. Point made.

Thanks for the comments and glad that you like it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Well....

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Date Posted: 13:09:07 09/15/03 Mon

The thing about the p->s->p is sure, I think it was a bit fast, BUT it set up the premice for, as you said Buffy and Faith working together!

Its just great :D

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[> Subject: Re: Episode 1x01: Initialization

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Date Posted: 23:00:39 10/01/03 Wed

I like the start of this. Ver touching speech from Buffy. And I didn’t hear any complaints about this speech J
I would’ve thought wood would’ve chose to be in a room with faith. Shame he didn’t, poor Faith is as alone as before.
Can I just say you’ve got Rona’s bitchiness down pat.
Yes! The SITS are just SITS again * does snoopy dance*
Yeah Buffy, one day of vacation. What are we gonna do? Giggles for this line

What happened to the scythe? Or is that the axe?
I’m probably the only one who thinks this but Giles should have asked for a refund from that desk clerk.
I like that Giles gave Buffy a credit card. So nice of the dead council watcher to “donate” to the cause
I’m glad that someone has written about Anya not actually dying..wonders if EWF has hacked into Gemma’s fic file on her computer ;D
Great first ep. Sets everything up well and flowed wonderfully. I think I have another site for my Favs folder

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