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Subject: Molotovo - Ribentropo paktas 1939 sukeles II pasaulini kara

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Date Posted: 12:34:51 03/06/04 Sat
In reply to: Vytis 's message, "Referendumas del Maskoliu atsakomybes. Ar jis butinas?" on 11:54:33 12/05/03 Fri

Ribentrop-Molotov Pact 23 August 1939

Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact while German Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop and Soviet leader Stalin look on under a portrait of Lenin, August 23, 1939. News of the Pact stunned the world and paved the way for the beginning of World War Two with Hitler assured the Germans would not have to fight a war on two fronts.

Text of the Nazi-Soviet Pact

The Government of the German Reich and The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Desirous of strengthening the cause of peace between Germany and the U.S.S.R., and proceeding from the fundamental provisions of the Neutrality Agreement concluded in April, 1926 between Germany and the U.S.S.R., have reached the following Agreement:

Article I. Both High Contracting Parties obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other Powers.

Article II. Should one of the High Contracting Parties become the object of belligerent action by a third Power, the other High Contracting Party shall in no manner lend its support to this third Power.

Article III. The Governments of the two High Contracting Parties shall in the future maintain continual contact with one another for the purpose of consultation in order to exchange information on problems affecting their common interests.

Article IV. Should disputes or conflicts arise between the High Contracting Parties shall participate in any grouping of Powers whatsoever that is directly or indirectly aimed at the other party.

Article V. Should disputes or conflicts arise between the High Contracting Parties over problems of one kind or another, both parties shall settle these disputes or conflicts exclusively through friendly exchange of opinion or, if necessary, through the establishment of arbitration commissions.

Article VI. The present Treaty is concluded for a period of ten years, with the proviso that, in so far as one of the High Contracting Parties does not advance it one year prior to the expiration of this period, the validity of this Treaty shall automatically be extended for another five years.

Article VII. The present treaty shall be ratified within the shortest possible time. The ratifications shall be exchanged in Berlin. The Agreement shall enter into force as soon as it is signed.

[The section below was not published at the time the above was announced.]

Secret Additional Protocol.

Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party.

Article II. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement of the areas belonging to the Polish state, the spheres of influence of Germany and the U.S.S.R. shall be bounded approximately by the line of the rivers Narev, Vistula and San.

The question of whether the interests of both parties make desirable the maintenance of an independent Polish States and how such a state should be bounded can only be definitely determined in the course of further political developments.

In any event both Governments will resolve this question by means of a friendly agreement.

Article III. With regard to Southeastern Europe attention is called by the Soviet side to its interest in Bessarabia. The German side declares its complete political disinteredness in these areas.

Article IV. This protocol shall be treated by both parties as strictly secret.

Moscow, August 23, 1939.

For the Government of the German Reich v. Ribbentrop

Plenipotentiary of the Government of the U.S.S.R. V. Molotov


The ever-shortening hot summer nights meant that the greatest holiday of the Latvian people, St. John’s Day, was not that far off. But in the summer of 1940 the festive mood was marred by terror…

It was only a year since deceitful Bolshevik Russia had turned on its reluctant Baltic allies, cowardly breaking trust and abusing the treaty, which allowed the Reds the use of a few designated military bases in the Baltic States. It was from these bases that the coups d’etat were successfully launched against the legitimate democratic governments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Signing of the criminal Molotov-Ribentrop pact, 1939, Moscow - Red and Brown fascists form an unholy alliance

The night on the 14 June 1941 was by no means extraordinary: as usual, the killer-squads of the invaders, aided and abetted by the homegrown communist and plain criminal scoundrels, were going about their usual business of murder, pillage and rape. It was a time for traitors of all kinds to exercise their basest instincts. Soulless piranhas and heartless vampires, they tore the flesh and drank the blood of the countries that gave refuge and nurtured them.

Little did the Latvians know, as they slept, that for many of them, this was to be the last night they would enjoy on this Earth; for in the dreary corridors of the Kremlin, the 14th day of June was planned to be the culmination of the Russian atrocities in that country.

The deportation lists were drawn up with the help of local stooges; it didn’t take much to be ‘honoured’ by being included: all you had to do was to be successful. If you were a businessman, a shopkeeper, a well-to-do farmer, a proud owner of a pharmacy or a bakery, a writer, an officer, or a teacher, your name would have been there. In other words the criminal regime in Moscow desired to remove the genetic elite of the captive nation, to destroy the best and the most able. Tens of thousands of Latvians were roused from their beds that night, herded into the cattle trucks and taken to the Arctic wastes of Siberia for extermination.

The chilling statistics reveal that one third of those deported - the children and the elderly - died en route. Most of the rest died later. The Russo-fascist plan was a simple one – the original populace out, the Russian colonists in.

Possibly, there was also a racist element to these plans – some of the deportees were not killed but dumped among the aboriginal Siberian tribes-people in order to europeanise the territory. The hatred and contempt the Russians, who themselves are part-Asian, feel towards the indigenous Asian minorities of the empire is legendary.

There were other deportation dates, however the 14th June was chosen to be an official day of mourning in Latvia: all the flags are flying at half mast and have an added black ribbon as a sign of remembrance for the one third of the nation lost in WW2.

But was justice served? Was anybody prosecuted for genocide? The answer is no. In Latvia the only known case is that of Vasily Kononov, an ethnic Russian from eastern Latvia, who was accused of murder. The trial was suspended, due to the suspect’s ill-health.

Unsurprisingly, the modern Russian president, ‘a hero of Chechnya’, Vladimir Putin, congratulated the executioner of the Latvians, Kononov, on his release and even sent him a watch for his birthday.


Under the Soviet Regime
Written by Rachel and Reuven Rogovin
The Germans invaded Poland on Friday, September 1,1939. The Blitzkrieg lasted 17 days. On September 17, after Poland's swift defeat, and according to the Molotov-Ribentrop agreement, the Soviets occupied all of the western Ukraine and the western Belarus territories that had been part of Poland for over sixteen years. Volozhyn was part of these territories.
Conditions in the town turned out to be vastly different from those under the previous rulers. The new rulers forbade any private commerce. The governors established food cooperatives. Government-owned shops were opened. Self-employed craftsmen and artisans were forced to join professional cooperatives of tailors, shoemakers, and so forth. All Jewish institutions, like the kehilla, the commerce organization, and others were automatically liquidated. Two storehouses, such as Rosenberg's and Bunimovitsh- Rozenshtein's, were nationalized. Some other businesses, like Mr. Gluhovski's pharmacy, shared the same fate. The new "people's authorities" confiscated all factories and sawmills marked by high chimneys, such as Polak's, Perelman-Rapport's, and Shif's (in Yuzefpole, a village near Volozhyn). The owners of the nationalized mills were put in prison and later deported to the Soviet Gulag. Their families (wives and children) were expelled and "resettled" in Siberia. The Volozhyn Eytz Chaim Yeshiva became a restaurant. The synagogues remained open, but the prayers lost their Jewish essence and flavor.

The Ribentrop-Molotov agreement, a secret deal that finally fixed the partition of Poland, was signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939.
The German armies invaded Poland 7 (seven) days later, on September 1, 1939.

The Red Army crossed the Polish borders on September 17th, and occupied (“freed”) without any resistance the East Poland Territory (called East Kresy by the Poles and Western Ukraine and Belarus by the Soviets). Volozhyn was part of Western Belarus.

Hitler attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941.


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[> Subject: Rusijos pralaimejimas Irake

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Date Posted: 19:53:41 03/14/04 Sun

Pastaruoju metu, aiškiai Kremliui nurodžius, Rusijos žiniasklaidoje pasipylė gausybė straipsnių apie „JAV imperialistų“ planus ne tik Irako, bet ir Artimųjų bei Viduriniųjų Rytų atžvilgiu. Pasitelkiami žymūs politikos veikėjai ir mokslininkai, kurių pagrindinis tikslas – ne tiek demaskuoti Vašingtono planus, kiek pateisinti buvusią Sovietų Sąjungą ir Rusiją, faktiškai iki dantų apginklavusias Irako diktatorių. Štai Rusijos mokslų akademijos narys korespondentas Aleksejus Vasiljevas, laikomas vienu geriausiu Artimųjų Rytų problemų specialistu, teigia, kad JAV, užpuldamos Iraką, siekia perimti Irako naftos telkinių kontrolę, o ją perėmus Vašingtonas galės diktuoti ne tik naftos gavybą, bet ir kainas. Tokia Maskvos baimė visiškai suprantama. Juk, kritus pasaulinėms naftos kainoms, daugiausia nuostolių patirtų Rusija, nes jos naftos eksportas – pagrindinis įplaukų į šalies biudžetą saltinis.Rusija teigia, kad iki 1979 metų islamo revoliucijos kaimyniniame Irane, kai buvo nuverstas palankus Vašingtonui šacho režimas, Irakas amerikiečiams visiškai nerūpėjo. O tada, kai Irako ajatolos ėmė aktyviai vykdyti antiamerikietišką ir antiizraelietišką politiką bei ginklais ir pinigais remti palestiniečių teroristines organizacijas, JAV nusprendė nubausti Iraką. Todėl teigiama, kad Irakas labai tiko tam vaidmeniui, nes buvo labiausiai apsiginklavusi valstybė regione. Taigi kaltė dėl devynerius metus užsitęsusio Irako ir Irano karo verčiama Jungtinėms Valstijoms, kurios per Saudo Arabiją ir Kuveitą finansavo ir ginklavo Iraką bei aprūpino S.Huseiną cheminio ir bakteriologinio ginklo bei raketinių sistemų kūrimo medžiagomis.
Maskva dabar sugalvojo ir paaiškinimą, kodėl Irakas nusprendė užpulti ne nekenčiamą Izraelį, o Vašingtono sąjungininką Kuveitą. Pasirodo, ir čia kaltas Vašingtonas. Rusija perša visam pasauliui „paremtą faktais“, nors iš tiesų saugumo dezinformacijos tarnybų sukurtas versijas, kad 1990-ųjų pradžioje JAV ir Izraelis ėmė ieškoti būdų, kaip sunaikinti Irako karinę mašiną, kuri tuo laikotarpiu iš tiesų buvo labai didelė. Aišku, nesakoma, kad tą karinę mašiną sukūrė Maskva, apginklavusi Iraką raketomis, tankais, karo lėktuvais. Tik juokas ima nuo tokių samprotavimų, kad JAV pardavė tada Irakui ginklų už pusantro milijardo dolerių. Jeigu taip ir buvo, tai tik lašas to, ką davė Irakui Maskva. Ne be Maskvos pagalbos Irakas tuomet iš tiesų labai priartėjo prie branduolinio ginklo sukūrimo. Todėl aiškinama, kad Vašingtonui būtinai reikėjo surasti pretekstą Irakui užpulti. Ir buvo nuspręsta išprovokuoti Irako diktatorių S.Huseiną užpulti Kuveitą. Netgi skelbiama, kad 1990 metų vasarą Irako diktatorius S.Huseinas, susitikęs su JAV ambasadore Bagdade E.Glespi, gavo iš jos užtikrinimą, kad JAV visiškai nerūpi teritoriniai ginčai tarp Irako ir Kuveito. S.Huseinas tokį JAV ambasadorės pareiškimą suprato, jog jam leidžiama užgrobti Kuveitą – oficialų JAV sąjungininką. Maskva randa ir paaiškinimų, kodėl per 1991 metų karinę operaciją „Audra dykumoje“ JAV galutinai nesutriuškino S.Huseino, nors jo karinė mašina buvo beveik visiškai sunaikinta, Kuveitas buvo išvaduotas. Į užsienio spaudą šūsnimis brukami straipsniai, kad JAV specialiai paliko S.Huseiną, siekdamos panaudoti jį kaip Persijos įlankos regiono šalių baubą, tikintis išsaugoti tas šalis JAV įtakoje. Galbūt dalis tiesos tokiuose samprotavimuose ir yra, bet vis dėlto Iraką apginklavo ir stūmė į karines avantiūras ne Vašingtonas, o Maskva. Juk po 1991 metų karo „Audra dykumoje“ amerikiečiai pakrikusios Irako armijos bazėse ir sandėliuose rado daugybę sovietinės gamybos tankų, artilerijos pabūklų, raketų, jau nekalbant apie lengvąją ginkluotę. Jeigu Maskvos propagandos teiginiai, jog amerikiečiai savo metu pardavė Irako diktatoriui ginklų už pusantro milijardo dolerių ir būtų teisingi, tai yra juokingai maža suma, palyginti su tuo, kiek pardavė, o tiksliau pasakius, veltui davė S.Huseinui Maskva. Ir ne tik S.Huseinui, bet ir panašiems „pažangiems“ režimams.

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