Subject: NJAS Intitute for Field Naturalists workshop - Engaging Spring |
Tara Miller
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Date Posted: 06:53:30 01/07/04 Wed
Engaging Spring
Saturday March 7 and Sunday March 29, 2004; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
The landscape awakens slowly to a vernal paradise. How do the trees time the opening of their leaves? Is the American Robin really the first bird of spring? Learn the science behind spring's arrival during this informative workshop. We will search for spring signs and then discover ways you can engage the spring in your own backyard through landscape design and gardening.
Brian Vernachio and Gretchen Ferrante, NJAS Sanctuary Directors
Brian Vernachio established and now directs New Jersey Audubon Society’s Plainsboro Preserve in Plainsboro. While growing up in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and the shores of Barnegat Bay, Brian developed a keen interest in natural history and birding. His degree in Environmental Studies from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey allows him to share this interest with people of all ages. He has been leading natural history tours for NJAS Eco-Travel for over ten years, during which time he has traversed North America through the desert southwest, the Rocky Mountains and both coasts. Brian is co-author of two books including Wild Journeys: Migration in New Jersey, which he co-authored with Don Freiday and Dale Rosselet. And NJ WATERS: A Watershed Approach to Teaching the Ecology of Regional System, coauthored with Dale Rosselet, Mike Anderson, Karla Risdon and Scott Barnes. While not leading tours, Brian continues to explore North America and still walks the sandy roads in the pine barrens with his wife and two children.
Plainsboro Preserve, with trips to other locations in Central New Jersey
(For both days) $120 for members; $155 for non-members. Meals, lodging, and transportation not included
Plainsboro Preserve: (609) 897-9400 or
Payment in full is due at time of registration. Registration is due at least two weeks prior to the workshop.
Workshop Type: Seasonal Ecology
Send registration form and payment to: NJAS, Plainsboro Preserve, PO Box 446, Plainsboro, NJ 08536.
Upon receipt of registration and payment, further information about this program will be mailed/emailed to the participant.
To register or for more information, contact: Plainsboro Preserve @ (609) 897-9400
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