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Subject: NJAS Institute for Field Naturalists Workshop - Reptiles and Amphibians

Tara - NJAS
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Date Posted: 07:11:43 01/07/04 Wed

Reptiles and Amphibians


May 1, 2004 12 noon - 8 p.m. (Plainsboro); May 2, 2004 12 noon - 8 p.m. (Scherman-Hoffman)


New Jersey's fauna includes 32 species of amphibians and 38 species of reptiles. This workshop will review the status, identification, and ecology of many species.

Day 1 will begin with an indoor session, where materials will be distributed and there will be opportunity to purchase recommended texts. We will review NJ reptiles and amphibians using slides and live specimens, followed by a field trip into the New Jersey Pine Barrens. (The group will meet at the Plainsboro Preserve.)

Day 2 will feature more classroom work, followed by field time in the Highlands and Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. (The group will meet at the Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary.)


Don Freiday and Brian Vernachio

Don Freiday is Director of New Jersey Audubon Society’s Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary in Bernardsville. A New Jersey native, Don’s degree in Natural Resource Management and Applied Ecology is from Rutgers University, where for several years he taught Wildlife Ecology to undergraduates. Don has worked in the field of nature interpretation and/or wildlife biology for over 20 years, during which time he has led numerous nature tours to Arizona, Colorado, California, Montana, Texas, and Wyoming, among others. He has also studied wildlife in Mexico and Kenya. Don is an author and columnist on nature, with two books to his credit: A Precious Place: a Naturalist Explores New Jersey, and Wild Journeys: Migration in New Jersey, which he co-authored with Brian Vernachio and Dale Rosselet. Don lives on an old farm in Hunterdon County with his wife, three children, and sundry pets.

Brian Vernachio established and now directs New Jersey Audubon Society’s Plainsboro Preserve in Plainsboro. While growing up in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and the shores of Barnegat Bay, Brian developed a keen interest in natural history and birding. His degree in Environmental Studies from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey allows him to share this interest with people of all ages. He has been leading natural history tours for NJAS Eco-Travel for over ten years, during which time he has traversed North America through the desert southwest, the Rocky Mountains and both coasts. Brian is co-author of two books including Wild Journeys: Migration in New Jersey, which he co-authored with Don Freiday and Dale Rosselet. And NJ WATERS: A Watershed Approach to Teaching the Ecology of Regional System, coauthored with Dale Rosselet, Mike Anderson, Karla Risdon and Scott Barnes. While not leading tours, Brian continues to explore North America and still walks the sandy roads in the pine barrens with his wife and two children.


Day 1: NJAS Plainsboro Preserve in Plainsboro, NJ Day 2: NJAS Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary in Bernardsville, NJ


Recommended texts (available at NJAS bookstores):

Schwartz, V. and Golden D.M. 2002. Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of New Jersey. New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife

Conant, R. and Collins, J.T. 1998. Peterson Field Guides: Reptiles and Amphibians – Eastern/Central North America (3rd Edition). New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Tyning, T. F. 1990. Stokes Nature Guides: Amphibians and Reptiles. Boston: Little, Brown and Company


$120 for members, $155 for non-members. Meals, lodging, and transportation are not included


To register or for more information, contact:

NJAS Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary (908) 766-5787


Payment in full is due at time of registration. Registration must be received at least two weeks prior to the workshop.
Workshop Cetegory: Taxa

Send registration form and payment to: NJAS, Scherman-Hoffman Sanctuaries, PO Box 693, Bernardville, NJ 07924.

Upon receipt of registration and payment, further information about this program will be mailed/emailed to the participant.

To register or for more information, contact: Scherman-Hoffman Sanctuaries @ (908) 766-5787

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