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Rules Overview: #1 Don't Use Hash Links Illegally #2 No Monkey-Wrenching #3 Don't "Talk Smack" to the Forum Participants Miscellaneous Rules: No kicking, scratching, or biting. No peeing in the water. Don't talk when someone else is talking. No sex in the champagne room. Rule Details I allow pretty much anything. Why? Because it's not of my concern; I don't take responsibility for what others say for merely having a forum that doesn't pre-restrict explicit material. It's quite impossible for me to be held liable for any such post that somehow may contain illegal information, since I don't have enough time in my day to constantly be on guard for such an occurance. Not very many people post on this forum anyway. The main rule stands: Don't use the hash links for movies that you do not own (this is illegal). However, since I am not an expert on the matter, it may still be illegal to download a backup copy of a movie that you already own. Not that I care whether or not you do these illegal things, I just don't want to get sued for posting these links. After all, I'm not doing the illegal downloading--I merely host easier access to the addresses of the files transferred using the FastTrack-enabled networks (which also are not responsible for illegal actions, you RIAA butt-****ing ch*** ***ists). Note: Last I checked, the movie industry wasn't planning on suing anyone (although I heard talk of a possible five-year jail sentence if caught). Another rule I have is "No Monkey-Wrenching." This term applies to the absent-minded pounding on one's keyboard that results in a post that deliberately makes no sense or takes up space. Continuous misuse in this fashion will result in the banning of the user's IP adress (assuming I have this authority). If I don't have this priviledge, I intend to report the obsessivly annoying forum abuser for their monkey-wrenching tendencies. I'd also like you to know that I'd hope you to be respectful to this forum and its posters. I do not tolerate the *****ing-out of any forum participant (unless I agree with the *****ing), and any such post with hurtful comments will be deleted without notice (again, unless I feel the hurtful comment was awesome). I do, however, tolerate the hurtful participant, and that participant should have no fear of being banned. (And yes, I have the authority to ban IP addresses.) P.S. -- I sincerely apologize for the rude comment directed toward the RIAA. My intent was not to offend any of those stupid ***holes or their mother-****ing supporters (or even their children that they ****). |