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Introduction: What are hash links? Hash links are used to locate a specific and exact file over the Sig2Dat/FastTrack networks (K-Lite, KaZaA, Grokster, iMesh), ED2K/E-Donkey networks (eDonkey, eMule, Shareaza), etc. They are especially useful when one is concerned about the safety of file-sharing. Hash links are basically "signatures" found in these networks' ".dat" files that make each file uniquely identified. More information is provided at Preparation It's actually very simple to create hash links. First thing's first though; you must install the proper software. All of which can be found at Download Requirements: *** Kazaa Lite or eMule (K-Lite not KaZaA is more common and more often preferred. eMule is better for files that are large and rare.) Mirror-download sites include and the crappier This is a direct download link for K-Lite: K-Lite 2.43. *** The Sig2Dat tool. This is included with your download of Kazaa Lite. Information regarding this service can be found at *** K-Dat and K-Sig. These two requirements are included with Kazaa Lite. K-Sig finds the hash links (SIGnatures) of files, and K-Dat finds the destinational hash link of processing downloads (.DAT files). *** Dat View can be helpful for finding downloads' current filenames, but I think K-Dat can accomplish that as well (although done differently). It is not a necessity. Here is a direct download link for the program: ***Other miscellaneous downloads can be found at*** How to USE Hash Links One of the most common mistakes people make when using hash links is not having K-Lite open. You must have Kazaa Lite open in order to place the ".dat" file into your shared folder. Yes, it does work without K-Lite open, BUT this isn't very reliable at all. With old versions of Sig2Dat, it won't even be possible. To use a hash link, simply click on the link... lol, yeah, that's all there is to it. A confirmation dialog box will appear in your K-Lite program, so you just have to click that in order to continue. However, some people may not post hash links correctly. Just for kicks, I'll give you instructions on how to work with this annoyance. When posting a hash link, some people accidently only post the hash information (hash, no link). You must then open up K-Sig.exe (which should be located in "C:\Program Files\Kazaa Lite K++\", otherwise linked from the tools menu in K-Lite) and click on "File" then "Enter Hash Manually". If your hash does not have both "Filesize" and "File Hash" information, then you are out of luck. The UUHash (Base 64) type refers to the sig2dat/fasttrack hashes used by K-Lite, Imesh, Grokster, etc. The File Hash (Hex) type is *I think* referring to the ed2k/donkey hashes used by Emule. By the way, the "File Name" can be that of your choice, but the file name will change anyway once finished downloading. JUST REMEMBER: K-Lite must be running while you click any hash link. How to CREATE YOUR OWN Hash Links This is fairly simple. There are two methods of creating hash links. Although both are obtained in the same manner, one method is used for creating the hash links for files that you have already downloaded, while the other is used for creating hash links of files that you are currently downloading. The first method: Do you want to make a hash link for a file that you've already downloaded? There are two ways to do this. The first is carried out via K-Lite. Step One: *Path One* Open up K-Lite, go to the library/directory section, find the file for which you want to create a hash link, then right-click on the file. Your advanced options should include an option titled "Copy Quicklink as". Under this option, choose "Hybrid HyperLink (A) (/A)". Only click another option if you have a good reason for not using the hybrid. Before finishing the first, I'll go to the second way of obtaining the hash link. *Path Two* Let's say your file isn't in your Kazaa Lite shared files folder... You then have no access to your file through K-Lite. In this case, you must open up K-Sig. Go to "File", click "Select File(s)". Find the file for which you want to create the hash link. When you've selected it, and it is displayed in your window, right-click on the file, choose "Copy sig2dat..." if you use K-Lite, and choose "Copy ed2k..." if you use eMule. Either way, you should then choose "Hybrid HyperLink (A) (/A)" unless you have a good reason for not wanting to use the hybrid. Step Two: Once you have your Quicklink copied to your clipboard, all you have to do is paste (right-click, then "paste") your link onto a forum, web page, or even onto some instant messaging programs. To use your hash, refer to the section above entitled, "How to USE Hash Links". The second method: Do you want to make a hash link for a file that you're currently downloading? There is only one way of which I know how to do this. Step One: Open up K-Dat, and then set it's file directory to your shared folder or your folder that contains the pre-downloaded files. It will give you a list of files that you would have never guessed were not yet fully downloaded. From the list, right-click on the file for which you want to create a hash link, then choose the "Hybrid HyperLink (A) (/A)" selection under the "Copy Quicklink" option. Step Two: Once you have your Quicklink copied to your clipboard, all you have to do is paste (right-click, then "paste") your link onto a forum, web page, or even onto some instant messaging programs. To use your hash, refer to the section above entitled, "How to USE Hash Links". *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** K-Lite and K-Dat programs only are effective in creating hash links used by the sig2dat tool (compatible with K-Lite, Morpheus 1.3.3, Kazaa, Grokster or iMesh). K-Sig must be used to obtain a hash link for the ed2k tool (compatible with eMule and eMulePlus). |