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Subject: Interval Resorts Network

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Date Posted: Sat, Feb 21 2004, 0:59:59

I have been doing some background checks on IRN. Apparently it seems that the company is started by a timeshare fraud who is currently in a high security prison in Spain.

Maybe it is coincidence but here is some info that might interest you.



Take note of this chap by the name of Dennis New. If you dig out the records from The Registry of Companies and Businesses(RCB) from here:
(You have to pay a fee to retrieve the company records), you will get info on who the directors and shareholders of the company are, complete with names and addresses.

To save you trouble, here are some information:

ID S2713268E
Nationality SINGAPORE P.R.
Address 109 SIGLAP ROAD SINGAPORE 455902
Date of Address Change 25 APR 2002

ID 007829999
Date of Address Change -

I don't know about you but it looks like this Dennis New is the same Dennis New who was arrested in Spain about two years ago for timeshare/holiday club fraud.

If you do your own research, you will find that they operate in the exact same fashion: Do a survey, Win a lucky draw(WOW I can't believe it!! You're so lucky! Do you know what you've won??), High pressure sales, threatening and scaring people with that pathetic piece of paper they call a legal document, threatening to sue if you don't pay them, getting people to pay money for something that is not what they made out to be, etc etc.

These people prey on the unsuspecting public who do not know their rights and they put fear into their victims by using that legal mumbo jumbo about having the right to take legal action against them since they have already signed on the contract. The fact of the matter is that the contact is not even a valid contract because it was signed under misrepresentation and under duress.

Perhaps there are many other victims out there who are not voicing out. If there really is a substantial number of victims who can come together and make their situation known, a police investigation may be in order. We can't continue to let these fraudsters from overseas prey on unsuspecting Singaporeans anymore.

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[> Subject: The New Consumer Protection Fair Trade Agreement (CPFTA)

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Date Posted: Sun, Feb 29 2004, 1:03:58

I was also being conned by IRN (Interval Resorts Network) or also known as Asian Travel Club (ATC) on the 25 Feb 2004 at Somerset road. The company is located on the 6 floor and 8 floor in the Faber House building,using the same old techniques and the pressurising methods that has been mentioned by many victims. I really appreciated to know that I'm not the only victim around, and I really hate to see yet another innocent people from cheating by this kind of fraud time-share company. I feel so glad that I came across this website and it is thru this website that I mangaed to recover back all my losses.

Luckily, I manged to find information about consumer rights from CASE (Consumer Association of Singapore), and found that IRN has been complained to CASE by many consumers, and I went to IRN to ask the customer service personnel ( Miss Carree Lim)for a full refund. Luckily I demand the official letter with the company letterhead to state the full refund will be make into my credit cards within 14days and the endorsement they promised to pay back my money. I was consider very luckily indeed to recover my $2500.

Currently after this incident, I came to think about that the sales personnal from IRN and all time-share company are very anixous and eager to cheat innocent consumer especially before 01 Mar 2004. One good news is that with effective of 01 March 2004, the new Consumer Protection Fair Trade Agreement (CPFTA) will ensure us the rights of the consumer.

Extracting below is the quote form the booklet of CPFTA that I brought from CASE: it states:

Qns: What is the cooling off period for specific cases involving timeshare and direct sales products?

Ans: If the consumer wishes, he will be able to cancel the direct sale or timeshare contract within a 3-days cooling period excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. To clarify the procedure for cancellation of such contracts, timeshares and direct sales traders are to provide the consumer information notice. This notice will inform consumers of their rights to cancel the purchase during the coling off period.

You can find more information about the new erected law of CPFTA taking effect from 01 March 2004. Thanks God finally there are such law that protect the consumers against unfair trade practices, especially the "wicked" time-share companies.

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[> [> Subject: I almost got cheated

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Date Posted: Mon, Jun 07 2004, 21:24:46

Hello there, I just had the same experience last week. Asian Travel Club also pressured me into joining their so called time share package. The offer went down from S$28,000.00 to S$388.00. Each was represented by different manager who claimed that only their supervisor was able to give such great deal.

I won a 8D/7N package. I've been trying to find out where can I go by faxing enquiries to the number provided. Guess where it is? Thailand. I guess I can forget about this deal after looking at your message.

Any idea is there a way to report this? As at that night there was at least 3 ladies who purchased the membership.

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[> Subject: By reporting to CASE,can i revoke my contract?

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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 30 2004, 22:47:23

I've recently bought an ATC memebership but suddenly after the cooling period realise that it's a mistake after all and after reading all the negativity of ATC...I guess my mistake is really big.

So how do i go about revoking this ATC?
If by complaining to CASE,will it help?
I know tt by terminating I can't get most of the money tt i've paid but at least there won't be future ATC commitments.

So is the contract legally binding?

Please comment and help me...

Thanx a million..

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