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Subject: My account with Orion Belt Network meeting

Need Advice
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Date Posted: Sun, Dec 04 2005, 15:59:22

i've recently posted for advice about OBN but no replies. Hence, i attended the appointment myself to see how it is like. Here is my account..

My first impression when i attended the meeting (ParkMall #7-22) was it is a very small place. Mostly indians initially but some chinese came along later. Please don't get me wrong i am not racist. Its just observation. I was warmly greeted with some compliment about my look. I was then greeted by a guy who asked to see my contract. They surprised that i came alone. They have 2 names on their list and was surprised that i am a single owner in my LGM contract. Of course what they did not know what that i also had World Resort International contract on Jimbaran Hills Resort with my ex-gf which i had successful terminate. i suspect World Resort International sell our contact to them or to all timeshares companies.

I went into a small room with another guys for discussion. He asked to look at my contract again and as usual showed me all the other victims contract too. He felt sorry for me. When he saw that i have a LGM contract he showed me a print out posting of an ex-LGM staff's confession note from this forum.. These shows that these people are also on the look out in the discussion forum here. He said OBN has successfully help people to terminate LGM, Emperior, IRN etc clients to terminate their contract through their lawyers. However, only to some 8 or 9 time shareshares company if i remember correctly. He showed me their draft lawyers letters to timeshare companies and the replies from timeshares companies with their conditions. However, these are not real correspondence letter. To cut the story short, he said their Lawyers from Netto and ??? can and had help people to terminate these time shares companies. When i asked if the termination letter come from the timeshares company or the resort. He said it is from the resort. However, their lawyers will also work with the timeshares for approval to terminate. If they don't approve then they go to resort. I asked why don't we go straight to the Resort company in the first place. I suspect that their OBN lawyer or boss have some deal to terminate the contract. Anyway.. he keep insisting that we need to see his lawyer first. According to another managers who evaluated my contract and came into my room said It cost S$5000 to see his lawyer. When i asked for real evidences or letters from successful client, he said i must see their lawyer to see it. He suggested that i pay $2500 first, see his lawyer and get it terminated then come back and pay them the remaining.

One thing i forgot, the earlier guys was asking if i wanted my cash back. He was trying to offer some discounted travel accommodation, airfares deals if we go throgh their company. It about 5% lesser then what is quoted from Chan brother's for example. However, they did not put or add pressure to sell this. i was surprised!

Back to the lawyer and contract... i was determined to see real evidence of the past successful contract before i want to pay a cent. He said he can't its with his lawyer. he said it is confidential. i replied saying that you already showed me real victims contract why not the legal letters. he cannot replied satisfactory.

In conclusion, i stated my stands clearly that i don't see so i don;t believe so i don't pay. The manager was cool headed and did not argue with me. Infact the earlier guy who spoke to me politely send me to the lift. My opinion is that these guys probably can terminate the contract with their prior agreement or share profit with the timeshare companies but forking another upfront $5000 is too much to swallow for now. If its only couple of hundred i might do it without hesitation.

BTW, also thanks George for his reply to my posting personally.

if this posting does not goes out to all, i suspect they could also be moderator of this forum and deleted any negative report since most bad reports about them was not mention. I hope i am wrong.

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[> Subject: Re: My account with Orion Belt Network meeting

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Date Posted: Fri, Feb 03 2006, 1:32:35

Hi, juz got back from meeting them. The experiences were about the same, except that they asked of me upfront $3k. I have not given them any of my credit card information yet. My guess is that the amount payable in the end .... for my case is around $10K will be used for their investment (36 months). At the same time, it is indirectly that we bought another membership with them (in my case, think something called neptune). The so-called privilege is to tied us up for the 3 years. Extra income for them when we book thru them during this 3 years. At the end of 3 years, part of money earnt thru investment will be returned to us as the so-called 'money return" from the terminated timeshare. The fact is they cannot get anything from the time-share company they are trying to help us to terminate.
What do you people think?

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[> Subject: Re: My account with Orion Belt Network meeting

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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 16 2006, 15:25:36

I went to see them yesterday with my wife. I noticed that when they talked to me, their hands were shaky. They quoted me $9500 and I refused to pay for it immediately and we planned to discuss at home first, then come back to them. Later, another senior guy came in and tried to convinced me to go for it. We refused to pay for it and another even more senior guy came in to pursuaded me. We refused and the guy started to lose his patience and challenged us that we could make correct decision after we left their office. We felt so upset as the last guy was so rude. Hence, one of them acted very sorry and apologised to us for our unhappiness. He said he will contact me 2 to 3 days later because his big boss will visit them and he will try to negotiate for better price. After long discussion with my wife at home, we felt that Orion Belt Network used the same tactics like ERI and it seems like they are another cheating company like them. So, my advice is do not pay or sign up other thing with them.

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