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Subject: Timeshares unpleasant experiences - feel free to comments

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Date Posted: Sat, Feb 11 2006, 15:35:53

I bought a week timeshare from ERI/ HCAP (office at Delfi Orchard) in 2003 after yielding to 2 hours of high pressure selling for S$11,800. I regret buying it. I didn't activate the membership as I was busy. But my mind was troubled with high maintenance fes if I started paying the maintenance them. Then in April 2004 I was approached by ERI again that I could avoid paying the high maintenance by coverting it to points system. Out of fear to avoid paying the high maintenance fees I foolishly convert it to points system for S$5,400. In total I paid S$17,200. Till now I've not activated the membership as I felt cheated and would like to get rid of it if possible.

In 2004 I was approached by Pro-Biz who offered that they can help me sell my membership by siging up with them for their service for S$398. I took them in good faith and I thought the amount was small. If it is a scam I can bear the lost. True to my suspicion it was a scam. Two weeks later I got contacted by Leisure Marketing (Takashimaya) and met with them. As I began to probe them I suspected that it was another scam. I asked them how did they get my contact and they said they got it from the time-share listing. I queried them whether they have any connection with Pro_Biz and they denied. The manager flashed out a ex Police ID card to show that he was formerly attached to the Police force, mentioned that there are many victims like me and out to help me. Sound convincing. I asked him for his credential details but he was not willing to provide. Their offer was another high pressure selling tactics to offer another membership. In the end I told them they can keep their offer and I am not interested if I am to pay more money.

I was also approached by Crown Holiday Exchange in 2004 which offered to sell my timeshare at overseas market. I register with them with no money paid. The six months period lapsed and they call me back whether I am interested to renew. I told them to renew for another six months. Until now have not heard from them.

Last month I was approached by Independent Consultant Advisory (said they are lawyer firm for handling such cases and located at Park Lane), they got my records from Pro-Biz which was closd down and that they can help claim back 70% of my investment with no obligation. I am suspicious about it and decided not to meet until I could verify them.

Today, I got a call from Orion Services Center (at Park Mall) and claimed that they can help recover 70% of my investment and their lawyer is Netto. Having gone through previous experiences I am suspicion about them. I search the Internet and found this forum which some posting of similar experiences. I decided that I shouldn't waste my time with them.

Like to hear fellow victims comments on my message. We need to spread our experiences and warn innoncent people about such unethical practices in the markets. I hope the law will catch up with people who are behind such unethical schemes.

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