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Subject: Re: Anyone hear of Global Interval Consultancy (GIC) Pte Ltd

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 20 2006, 17:27:57
In reply to: Commonguy 's message, "Anyone hear of Global Interval Consultancy (GIC) Pte Ltd" on Wed, Sep 28 2005, 14:16:43

I also signed up with them to sell my timeshare somewhere in late November and they told me that they would be able to sell my timeshare within 3 mths. I tried calling them and they kept dragging the matter on.. saying they are checking with the buyers etc. The last time I managed to call in was on the week of 6th March and the person who answered the call said that the person who was in charge of the sales was not around. Ever since that friday, the call was never made through.

I suspected something is wrong when I could not get through after a week. But i have not gone down to check yet. Guess I should make a police report as well.

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[> Subject: Re: Anyone hear of Global Interval Consultancy (GIC) Pte Ltd

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Date Posted: Mon, Mar 20 2006, 20:00:05

Why do people still believe they can unload their timeshare and collect money? This whole thing is a farce. There is no value for your membership which was sold to you at goodness-knows-what price the marketing company sold to you! As u know by now,there is no fixed price and u have been cheated of your money by these timeshare consultants who seduced u into paying for the membership. Just take my advice. Just stop paying any more money. If u don't want to keep it then just give up the membership. Don't believe all those resellers out there who promise they can help u sell off your membership or help u get out of the rut and who pack up and leave when they are about to be exposed. Sometimes it makes me wonder how come the authorities are not doing anything about this. For all those who have been cheated please go to the police and make a report. Go see your MPs and tell them about this. I suppose this is a good time to do it. Let them be aware of the cheating that is going on and how people are being conned and taken for a ride with their hard-earned money. Its time we teach these foreigners and the locals who have been influenced a lesson!

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