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Subject: Company response | |
Author: General Manager | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Sat, Apr 29 2006, 18:28:53 HI Yap and Han. I'm writing in response to your messages posted on behalf of Discovery VIII International Pte Ltd. 1st off, our program is NOT a timeshare membership but rather a pre-paid (which leads to substantial discounts) Hotel loyalty program. Timeshare memberships requires members to deposit and exchange their time bought from a particular resort with a 3rd party company. Secondly, we have achieved a booking success level of more than 90% and have the ease of using our on-line booking system. On the savings issue, we ONLY provide 4-5 star standard hotels which averages S$200 in Asia, S$300 in Canada/US/Africa/South America/Australia and New Zealand and S$400 in Europe per room per night. Our most recent booking by 1 of our member for 2 rooms and 4 nights each in Hong Kong with FREE daily breakfast works out to be S$2,500 should they book through other parties. Through our program, they only paid S$800 (including booking fees and subscription fees). As such, their savings came up to S$1,700 or 68%. Assuming you were to save an average of S$1,500 each year, that will be more than S$15,000 in savings for the next 10 years. The savings can be multiplied through unlimited purchase of 3 night blocks each and benefits can be shared with family members or friends. If any member were to find that the program they bought is under utilised, they can contact our Customer Service Department to obtain advice on how to maximise their program without even using it (e.g. renting) Sincerely, The Management [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |