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Subject: timeshare ownership/maintenance fees

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Date Posted: Sat, Jul 08 2006, 23:08:37

Can anyone out there help me?

Years ago when my husband & I were first married my in laws bought a timeshare for us as a gift (without our knowledge or partcipation) the deed has all our names on it. When they presented it to us I inquired about the maintenance fees as we didn't have a whole lot of $$$'s to spare. While they were originally $200/yr -- my in laws assured us that they won't ever go up much higher -- 10 yrs later they are now $500/yr. Over the past 10 years we have used this timeshare 2 times --by using their RCI membership and booking the trip in their name. This year I decided I had enough and told them that we not longer wanted the timeshare -- when discussing the idea of selling it I was told by them that it was worthless (our week is at the Outter Banks in NC in Feb.)in fact they said we would more then likely have to pay someone to sell it for us. They know this as they also own some weeks. At this point I told them that we were simply going to return their gift to them and that I had no intention of paying anymore maintenance fees nor using the timeshare. They refused it saying they have no use for it and would be more then happy to give me a letter authorizing the removal of their name from the deed so that I could pay to have the deed changed to just our names and then sell it.
Here's my questions (finally!) 1)Can someone legally just add your name to a timeshare deed? We weren't there when it was purchased nor did we ever sign anything. 2)From reading the messages on this site I see that we should have had a copy of a contract -- we don't -- all we have is a copy of the deed --- would we have had to signed this contract also? -- the bill for the maintenance fees comes to our address with all of our names on it. 3)Due to unpaid maintenance fees my husband and I are now getting collection threats and phone calls, are we truely liabile for these fees if we never signed anything?


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