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Subject: facts or fiction | |
Author: naomidaniel | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Fri, May 25 2007, 2:03:23 dear people.iunderstand ur plight of buying sumthing wit ur hard earn money.pls stop da blame we all know nothing is free in dis world,we were ask to come for an exhibition of a holiday club,gets a prize for attending n was grilled for a wat we could always say no but we didnt.due to misinformation we bought fo da wrong reasons, soon we realise but too late n wen we were called again we refused to upgrade or take up a better plan and sumtimes even worse dont want to acknowledge da contract such as maintenance pls tell me what is fiction n which r facts also i do believe dat there r scams howeva pls don over exagerate and dont start buying timeshare and if you want a solution, please do your homework. Always remember timeshare do work for people who like holidays, however, you need to know your trading power and deposit your week early. And if you need to buy one, buy direct from the resort. Lastly for resale you just cant do it. If you do, you get at a very low price. As for cancellation, they are some company who are legit. As for cashback, I have not seen one as materialised yet. However, keep your finger crossed caused Cashback in some foreign country do really work. Moral of the story, stay where you are, pay money. Want a solution, pay money. In simple word just like Mastercard, Priceless.... So be a MAN, do the RIGHT thing. STOP READING THIS FORUM. SOME OF IT IS JUST BULLSHIT AND THE FACTS HAVE BEEN TWISTED. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |