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Subject: Re: Jue shi marketing !

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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 24 2005, 18:24:09
In reply to: Edwin Yong 's message, "Contact" on Wed, May 25 2005, 20:50:13

Gosh, this was the same letter I received sometime ago.
Just that they have made some changes to the fonts.
And the picture was exactly the same.

My name was also listed in the first prize column.
So call the "Toyota" winner !!

I was kind of delighted when I got the letter. Thinking that I have really won myself a car.....or $25,000 CASH !
I have nvr win any thing of high value before ! Cos the letter was really very convincing.

And I called to the toll free number, there was this guy, named Singh ( Speaks like an indian, too), tell me that I have really won myself the first prize. And there is nothing I need to do, but jsut bring myself and my wife. And I am supposed to wear causual smart, because there will be a prize presentation with some celebrities. ( See, they way they put it, sound real, isnt it ? ).

Then he was checking whether I am eligible before I can claim myself for the prize. He asked, whether am I married, is my wife Singapoorean, do I have an income of $4000 combine with my wife, do I own a credit card !
If all this meet their requirement, no further questions asked. You have really won yourself the 1.6L Toyota ! Congratulation to your, Sir !

"Sir, if you do not collect your prize within the next
24 hours, we will have to donate to the charity under the CID and Singapore Lottery law. And please also not that you will have to buy your own COE for the new car, and this will be record in the Inland revenue under the Tax Law. "

I almost could believe this could be real ! But definitely, my doubts for this still exist. I told myself, this could be not final until I relaly get the prize. And how can I trust that this isnt a hoax or watever?

So, I start to check on internet for the company name Touch and Tech media, Oriental travel,......the website was really impressive,....And I was telling myself inside, this could be for real !!! God is so good to me !

Until, I check on the last company name, " Jue Shi MArketing ", it lead me to this website. Gosh ! It's like dropped down straight from the sky ! I woke up !.......

Then I started to search for CID side of any records for this company, or the CID reference number. As any company that is giving out this kind of huge prize, need to get CID license.

I have alot to tell....but I am rushing out now,.....

Sorry, to make it so long.....
Anyway,.....dont believe all this gimmicks,....there is no free lunch in this world lah,......if you guys want more detials, please do not hesitate to write back to me....

Good luck !


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