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Subject: Timeshare group says sorry for using MM's photo in ad | |
Author: Moderator | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Tue, May 31 2005, 15:41:42 In reply to: Moderator 's message, "Timeshare firms apologise" on Thu, May 12 2005, 10:17:03 This is the same story, but published in the Straits Times 12 May 2005. SINGAPORE: Timeshare group says sorry for using MM's photo in ad Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew demands apology for misuse of his photo and comments in travel brochure The Straits Times Thursday, May 12, 2005 A group of timeshare companies landed in hot water for using Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's picture and words in one of their brochures without his permission. The group, comprising Holiday Marketing International and L.G.M. Limited, took out an advertisement in The Straits Times today to apologise to Mr Lee. It also agreed to pay him an undisclosed sum of damages. Trouble began when the group published a brochure with a photograph of Mr Lee, with his name and then-designation of Senior Minister, along with a quote he once gave to The Reader's Digest magazine about his family holidays. The brochure was used to market their holiday and vacation products and services. It was brought to Mr Lee's attention last month. His lawyers then sent a letter of demand to the group asking for an apology and damages. The group agreed to comply a few days ago. Mr Lee is represented by Senior Counsel Davinder Singh and Mr Hri Kumar, from Drew and Napier, who crafted the apology. In it, the group admitted that the use of Mr Lee's photograph, name, office and quote could suggest that he had consented to their publication in the brochure. This could lead people to believe that Mr Lee had done so for publicity, either for gain or to sponsor the group's business. And that he did it by taking advantage of his political position. "We admit and acknowledge that the allegation and suggestions are false and completely without foundation," the group said in its apology. "We recognise and unconditionally accept that Mr Lee Kuan Yew has never used, or permitted the use of, his name, office and position for gain or to sponsor any business." Mr Lee did not consent to the use of his photograph, name, office and quote in the brochure. The group apologised unreservedly to him for the distress and embarrassment caused. It also promised not to make any further allegations or suggestions. The group's officers could not be reached for comment last night. This is not the first time that politicians have sued successfully against companies that used their names or pictures without their consent. In 1995, for example, opposition MP Chiam See Tong took a Chinese restaurant to court for using a picture of him in its advertisement without his permission. He won $50,000 in damages. Date Posted: 5/12/2005 [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: Timeshare firms apologise (from LianHe Zao Bao) | |
Author: Moderator [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, May 31 2005, 15:55:24 If you have problems viewing this text, on the top of your screen, please go to View> Encoding>Chinese(Simplified) 擅用李资政照片及语录 两公司登报道歉及赔偿 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 两家公司擅自把内阁资政李光耀的照片及一段访问印在宣传册子上,昨天在报章刊登道歉启事。他们也向李资政做出赔偿。 这家两公司是Holiday Marketing Internation(HMI)和LGM公司,经营“分时享用度假设施”(timeshare)业务。 这两家公司未经李资政的同意,擅自把他的照片以及他在2001年接受《读者文摘》(The Reader's Digest)访问的一段语录,印在公司度假设施的宣传册子上。 宣传册子介绍这两家公司在奥地利、葡萄牙和澳洲等地的度假设施。李资政的一段话谈到,当孩子年幼时,他每年会与家人一起度假,拉近亲子关系。 李资政是在上个月获知照片被人擅用,便聘请卢纳北亚律师事务所(Drew & Napier)发出律师信给这两家公司,要求赔偿和道歉。 三天前,两家公司作出赔偿给李资政,不过李资政的代表律师文达星高级律师和哈利古玛不愿意透露赔偿数额。 昨天,两家公司在《海峡时报》刊登道歉启事,承认使用李资政的照片、姓名、职衔和访问,会让人误以为这是经过李资政的同意。这样做也让人误以为李资政是为了个人利益,或是为了支持该公司业务,而且李资政是在利用自己作为内阁资政的政治优势。 道歉启事写着:“我们承认和接受,这些说法和建议不正确,而且毫无根据。我们承认,也无条件接受,李光耀先生从来没有利用,或同意让人利用他的姓名、职衔和地位,来牟取个人利益或支持任何生意。李光耀先生从没有允许我们在宣传册子上使用他的照片、姓名、职衔和语录。” 这起擅用照片事件由消费者协会揭发。3月31日,一名消协会员把一份印有李资政照片的宣传册子交给消协,他是在一次促销说明会上收到这份册子。 消协把这份册子转交给李资政。 消协理事长谢成春昨天告诉本报,去年一整年消协共处理122起有关LGM的投诉。消费者投诉这家公司使用高压手段进行促销,提供误导性信息。“共用度假设施”指的是付费后以轮流性质,长期享用世界各地参与计划的度假设施。 在1995年,本地也曾发生一起政治人物照片被擅自使用的事件。反对党议员詹时中起诉一家酒楼擅自把他在台上演唱的照片刊登在广告上,诋毁他作为国会议员和一名执业律师的形象与地位。最终,詹时中获赔偿5万元。 [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |