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Subject: Re: If U Need Advice & Assistance (posted by george, | |
Author: Up2u | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Tue, Aug 02 2005, 8:51:08 In reply to: sanni 's message, "Re: If U Need Advice & Assistance (posted by george," on Mon, Aug 01 2005, 15:15:26 Hi Sanni I do not know you and George at all and having read most of the messages in this forum contributed by George and other victims since the time I realised I had been cheated, and if you also read all or most of the messages in this forum, you will realise the supposed simple solutions are all in this forum. This message of yours is really uncalled for, for a kind hearted soul who offered help for free during his spare time. As much as you are anxious just for your situation, so is every timeshare victim. Why is class action so difficult to win for the victims who purchase from Singapore timeshare companies? It's simply because the timeshare companies have made it difficult for everyone to come together by coming up with different marketing tactics to make you believe you can offload when in actual fact you ended up with two or more effective contracts instead of one superseding the other in the eyes of the law. In addition, they name their packages differently so that you can't track the details easily to fight your case together with the rest and they can continue to suggest offloading your package throughout the rest of your life. Time is of essence where contracts are concerned and everyone can be at different stages to know which solution(s) best fit their situation. Admit and accept you have made a mistake in trusting one or more of these timeshare companies and move on and don't 'offload' your frustrations with the timeshare companies to a kind soul here who has a choice to spend his time elsewhere. Perhaps George is overloaded with individual emails to assist. You have no idea how stressful it can be just handling one situation due to consideration of 'knitty gritty' details, I know because I was a victim before. Up2u [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: If U Need Advice & Assistance (posted by george, | |
Author: sanni [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sun, Aug 07 2005, 20:08:13 Hi Up2u, was just wondering why George need us to contact him, and when we did, no reply from him at all (after 1 month!) Why he keep putting up his email address and his offer of free help, but in the end no response. Can the people here afford to wait more than 3days?!! anyway, i am not a so-call "victim" of this timeshare issue. I know of it when i was 18yrs old (maybe because i am more worldy wise? ) Was just asking on behalf of a friend to George, in the end didnt get any answer from him. (due to his busy schedule i suppose) I know he is a kind hearted soul, just hope he share the info with all of us, seems like he got some good ways to get back the money, but sounded so secretive about it. (Just a general idea will do, i think most people in this forum will applause him if he can help any of them) [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |