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Subject: Re: Paying For Med's

Bonnie (help with meds)
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Date Posted: 10:23:39 02/17/07 Sat
In reply to: Bob Dryman 's message, "Paying For Med's" on 19:05:21 12/16/06 Sat

My husband is a cancer patient and we have no insurance and I was horrified worrying about his meds. The internet has all kind of help for meds. Find out who makes the medication then, look up on a computer the pharmacutical company. They are helping people with or with out insurance to be able to get their medications. Also u can call them. Needymeds is a real good place to start on the internet. Your local American Cancer Society may be able to help also.

Do you have a computer? If so I can give you somemore info.

I do know what you are going through and it is the most horrifying experience you will ever go through. We have been walking the cancer walk since August 10, 2006 when my precious husband was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer,
Ectensive stage, which means advanced. It had already spread to his liver and he was fighting for his life.

He is a survivor for 6 mons. now. Praise God.

Our world has been turned upside down nut the Lord is getting us through, but it is still very scary.

You will have my e-mail address so maybe I can give you somemore info. I have so many resources that I got from the hosapital that might help you. Just let me know.

God Bless you, Bonnie Ohio

My wife is taking chemo she got a scrip. for med's to
>help her from not getting so sick after her
>treatments. The med's cost $1,300 for 20 pills. I'm
>disabled but still make a fair amount of money, but we
>have alot of bills to pay and now with her cancer
>operation and chemo treatments more bills are coming
>in. She has insurance but they only pay $500.00 of the
>$1,300. Does anyone know where we could get any help
>paying for her med's. Thanks and God bless you all.
>Bob & Luann

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Re: Paying For Med'sCarol Ferguson13:50:09 02/18/07 Sun

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