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Subject: I can help improve your funding program

Joe Napolitano
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Date Posted: 06:58:04 06/03/09 Wed

One of your field supervisors asked me to contact you bacause I can offer your organization a very low cost customer loyalty card that you can use in 6 or more effective ways to induce people to support your cause or increase your funding. When a person has this card all they really have to do is a very little amount of paper work, agree to buy $100/month of food and gas from the places they already buy their food and gas from and they will be rewarded with two $25 fully paid up Visa cards for one year - That is $600 per year. We can vary the amount of the card if desired and can also offer a prescription card in place of either the gas or food card for people that buy a lot of prescriptions. The parent firm that offers this product has a Better Business Burerau rating of A.

Ways you can benefit from this card are:
1- Offer the card free to people that donate a certain dollar amount to your organization. I can sell your organization the card at a low cost so that you could give the card to people that give say $50 or more or whatever level you set - This is a win win for you and the donor - why wouldn't they do it? It is getting paid to donate.
2- You can also give the card to people that will pledge to give back to you their monthly visa cards so that at no cost to them they can supoport you at the rate of $50/month for the entire year. It is important to get continuous funding throughout the year.
3-If you wanted to stay more at arms length I can sell cards directly to your donors at designated sites on a given day for $20 per card and they can pledge their visa cards to you throughout the year.
4- You can give the cards to employees and have them pledge to give you the monthly visa cards or use it as a form of a wage increase for employees or to reward an employee.
5-You can give the card to people with cancer that you want to help and essentially support them at the rate of $50/month for a really low cost to you. This is really efficient funding.
6-You can use the visa cards pledged to you for any purpose you want like even fund research and the like.

I suspect you will come up with other good ideas on how to make this card work for your organization.

We can have the cards identify your organization logo or web site and contact number on the certificates and the monthly vouchers used to send in the receipts to remind people throughout the year who gave them the cards. You should note we only allow one such double card per household so you need to get to people that do not already have a card. We are just starting the program so now is the time to be first to take advantage of the funding gains you may receive from this program.

I can send you more detailed information by E-mail or wopuld be happy to meet with you to discuss the program in greater detail and actually show you the card.

If you go to www.gasandgrocerydepot.com and enter 4D9CH in the promo code area you will go to a link that shows a 2 minute video and has my contact information. You will see that the program was designed for helping retail businesses increase their sales, but I believe it has great value to help organizations such as yours.

I hope to hear from you.

Joe Napolitano

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