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Subject: My Grandson

TJ (Sad)
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Date Posted: 09:53:00 08/21/09 Fri

My grandson has been diagnosed with a brain tumor {glioblastoma}. It has been two months of a roller coaster ride for our family. He is seven years old and spent his seventh birthday in a coma after 13 hrs of surgery. They are given us little hope. But we trust in God. There have been so many prayers prayed for TJ that I know God is listening. I have so many questions regarding how to get help. Our town has been so supportive with donations to help pay the bills while my son is on a leave of absence. This is the only money they have coming in. We were told today that TJ will be coming home from Cinti Childrens Hospital in two weeks. They don't have dependable transportation for him. He will need to been transported three times a week for therapy 120 miles from home. If anyone knows of any help would you please e-mail me and let me know. I know we all have needs I am not trying to be selfish, I am just desperate.
Thank you and God Bless

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