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Subject: Re: My sister has breast cancer

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Date Posted: 11:54:47 09/11/09 Fri
In reply to: Tawana 's message, "My sister has breast cancer" on 22:52:45 10/30/08 Thu

Tawana, You are not alone my brother was diagnosised a few weeks ago with soft tissue sarcoma. he doesn't ahve the insurance to go to MD Anderson in houston. I wish he did it is the best cancer center in the country. she will be in good hands. My daughter-in-law's mother has pancreatic cancer and has been to Md Anderson. the dcotors there treated her with carring and compasion and as if she was the only one when they were with her. she couldn't say enough good things about her experiance there. Hang in there.
>I found this board looking for someone to talk
>to.Reading everyones stories makes me feel "not
>alone". In 2003 my sister was diagnosed with breast
>cancer. She was a single mother of two girls and
>faught very hard. She also has Lupus which makes it
>harder to heal. The doctors removed both breast. And
>only did radiation.They didn't do chemo. And today I
>recieved the worst news "her cancer is back". This
>time it is in her bones all over her body. She called
>me crying and I felt like their is not a thing I can
>do about it.I started crying I couln't stay strong for
>her. I don't know what to do. They are talking about
>sending her to some place called somthing Anderson in
>houston,Tx. We live in Mississippi. I don't want her
>to be so far away from me. I want be able to jump up
>if she needs me. I don't know how to deal with this
>pain I'm feeling. I want to spend every minute of the
>day with her. I can't stop thinking of her,loving her
>and crying for her. Does the pain ever get better? How
>can I help her? How can I be strong for her? What do I
>do? Tawana

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