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Subject: We apprecaite CFA!

Barbara Fritz
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Date Posted: 14:30:30 08/23/13 Fri

Cancer Fund of America has been sending us care packages since my husband was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). Out packages consists of clothing, breakfast drinks, books, movies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, vitamins, bandages, etc. It has come to my attention that the media is scrutinizing this organization because they spend very little cash to aid others. Well, MEDIA, apparently you haven't talked to those of us who are benefiting from their program. They do things that families dealing with cancer don't have time or money to buy things in bulk. This organization purchases things in bulk as well as relying on donations. They have sent items to my home that we would have had to put on the "wait list" because chemo payments are so high. They think of the family as a whole, not just the patient. They understand that this is a family struggle. On top of my husband's CLL, we are raising a nephew with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, taking care of my older brother who has had a stroke and also have custody of an older nephew. This program has helped us tremendously. I have not had to buy toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and other hygiene items since they have started helping us. My FAS nephew has the multi-vitamins that he much needs and he gets to have the "chewy" kind which are very expensive in the store. Every bit of there help frees up some money that we would have to otherwise spend and we are able to put that money towards my husband's treatment. So, I hope that the MEDIA backs off and brings awareness that there are more programs like this needed. Cancer is a cruel disease that depletes the family of so many things that people take for granted. Thank you, CFA. The Fritz family appreciates you!

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