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Subject: Thank You!

Cathy B
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Date Posted: 08:29:34 08/27/13 Tue

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the boxes of things we have received since we signed up for your program. The things in those boxes have really helped our family. My husband has both bladder and bone cancer stage four. We have enough to pay our regular bills but nothing over that for all the things like extra gas (to get to appointments), fresher food for my husband to eat, bed pads, disposable underwear, nutritious drinks, etc. We have received some of these in the boxes and it has really helped not to have to buy them. Thank you also for the extra's you have sent that really put a smile on the kids faces.

I read an article about them saying you was one of the worst Charities which is nothing but a lie. At least you try to help people with ordinary everyday things that no one else bothers with. Most of the big organizations such as the Red Cross and others do nothing but send you information. The United Cancer Society has paid my husbands co-pays for his pain meds but will not pay for his nausea pills which anyone with cancer knows he really needs when going through Chemo/Radiation. It truly angered me to read this as I have worked in Non-Profit and I know what people at the top of The Red Cross, United Way and many like it are making for a salary and it is in the millions!

Corporations throw mountains of things away every year they could donate to an organization like yours that you could distribute to people in need but most of them would rather not bother. For those of us who have been helped by you we thank you. For those of you who are judging this organization without knowing what you are even talking about, shame on you!

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