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Collecting Applications from Psychics!
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For serious psychics who are wanting work!
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NOTE: We will be continuously collecting applications from psychics. By applying you acknowledge and understand the following: a) Your application will be held on file until such time as you are selected for an interview at any time in the near or distant future. b) If selected, you would be signed as an independent contractor, responsible for your own taxes and would be paid following the standard NET30 policy. c) You agree to read, adhere and uphold to any and all requested and implemented rules, regulations and processes. d) You give permission to be contacted at the given email address provided by yourself, for yourself, if you would be selected at any time during the future when a new position would become available. e) You agree that by applying does NOT mean you will be guaranteed an interview. NOTE: For other jobs posted on this forum, I CANNOT vouch for their legitimacy. You therefore agree to reply to such ads at your own discretion and post a FOLLOWUP reply if said job ad is revealed to be a scam to warn away other forum users.
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