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Date Posted: 18:10:40 10/12/03 Sun
Author: Gregg Shotwell
Subject: Re: management demands
In reply to: moderator 's message, "Re: management demands" on 18:08:53 10/12/03 Sun

posted 9/8/03 4:11 AM

For more info on Chrysler, take a look
at this shop floor flyer modified from a
UAWSC flyer to fit the Local situation.
seems to me we should be able to get our
entire Local agreement on the net as
. We urge you to Vote No on the
tentative contract proposal until you
know everything that is in this
tentative contract. This means we want
you to read the whole contract (or talk
to fellow members who have read it all),
including any so-called 'shelf
agreements' that may be included but do
not appear in the 'HIGHLIGHTS' passed
out to the membership. The entire
proposed contract (including any ‘shelf
agreement’) could be placed on the
official UAW Jeep Unit website for
interested union members to read or
print out. There would be virtually no
cost to the union or the company for
putting the entire computerized
tentative contract on a website for all
to read.
. Last year, for the ratification of the
one-year contract at Jeep, the
HIGHLIGHTS only mentioned that the
four-ten-hour days "would be explored".
The HIGHLIGHTS passed out last year by
the union leadership did not mention
that our union leaders would have any
right to institute a four-ten-hour day
workweek at straight time pay under a
so-called 'pilot project', which they
agreed to for the week of May 19, 2003.
Those members who were paid straight
time, lost roughly $100 pay that week.
This was a change in the contractual
wage rate, with no formal ratification
approval by our Jeep Unit membership.
Why didn't the HIGHLIGHTS for the
ratification vote of October 1, 2002,
point out that the union leadership
would have the right to institute such
'pilot projects'?
. The Public Review Board (PRB) is the
highest judicial body of the UA Wand it
ruled that union leaders are required to
print tentative contract HIGHLIGHTS that
"accurately summarize substantive
portions of the agreement" in PRB ruling
#482 in 1977. A change in the wage rate,
even for one week (May 19, 2003) is a
substantive change that was never
mentioned in the HIGHLIGHTS for the
one-year contract. We need to see the
whole contract, read it. and discuss it
before we vote in favor of it. Until
then we say:
In solidar

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