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Date Posted: 18:48:04 10/12/03 Sun
Author: Gregg Shotwell
Subject: Topic: job preference

posted 9/3/03 6:26 AM

Dennis Krontz was arbitrarily moved off
his home base to another job. The new
job is within his prefernce and
classification but the long standing
past practice of a right to a home base
has been violated for no reason. It is
retaliation and harassment. When
management tried this maneuver in the
past, Bonnie did her bitchin' thing and
that was that. This time she said, she
would research it. This isn't a term
paper. If this action is allowed to
stand it will effect all of us. No one
will know where they are going to work
until the boss assigns them a job for
the day. Except of course the favorites.
We need to defend each other. If we
allow management to single out one
person and stand silent while his or her
rights are violated, we are all in
jeopardy. By the way, I have filed
charges with the NLRB against management
for violating my right to distribute
literature in non work areas during non
work times and for confiscating and
destroying literature they don't like.
If management liked it, it wouldn't be
worth reading. I was given two 76-a
interviews in one week. Management
didn't follow through with disciplne but
I feel the message is clear and it
constitutes harassmnet and intimidation.
Management is trying to suppress debate
on negotiations: national and local. You
have a federally protected right to
express your views and distribute in non
work areas in non work times. They want
to make an example of me. They hope to
discourage others. They gave Krontz a
76-a for the same thing. He is also
filing with the NLRB against management.
If you see fliers of interest to you in
the break areas please help in the
distribution by bringing them back to
your work area for others to read or
giving them to coworkers on other
shifts. If you see a supervisor
confiscating fliers or trashing them,
file charges with the NLRB. Or at least
let me know. I will take care of it.
Defend your freedom to read. We are
Americans and we

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