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Date Posted: 19:00:58 10/12/03 Sun
Author: Cares about OUR Union
Subject: Cares about OUR Union
In reply to: Who Cares? 's message, "Re: Topic: job preference" on 18:59:27 10/12/03 Sun

posted 9/20/03 4:20 PM

Come on!!! Get serious..... Greg wants to be a legend.....In his own messed up mind that is. Greg is the best tool that management has to divide the union. Heck, all he ever does is put the union down, in case you haven't noticed. Over the years, it hasn't mattered who has been in office at the leadership of our union. Whether it was the local or the international, he eventially goes after every single one of them with insults to their credibility and job performance. Of course in Greg's mind, he could do a much better job of leading us. To where.. is anyone's guess. I would rather follow someone who is not as capable but tries his best, than someone who stands on the sideline taking cheap shots, slinging half truths and profanity at them. Really, has he ever bellied up to the bar and taken a job of responsibility where he might be open to critisim and held acountable. Not Greg...Too risky. Hey, it's not entirely fair to suggest that he has never offered any solutions...His solution is to shut down the evil empire of corporate America by striking everything until they give us everything, and even send our checks to our house so we don't have to go to work to pick em up! I'm sure that he could find a couple of old communist followers over in Russia that would join him, but 90% of our members after being out on the street for a couple of weeks might be inclined to ask him why they are out there in the first place. And after a couple of months, when they find out that they are going to loose their homes and most of their possessions for one of his pet social causes, they would linch him! Beware of false prophets!!!!!

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