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Date Posted: 17:53:11 10/12/03 Sun
Author: GreggShotwell
Subject: management demands

posted 9/5/03 6:42 AM

Management Demands – 2003
1) Combine, eliminate or otherwise
change existing departments and/or
2) Revise the Local Agreement section on
Alternate Work Schedules subject to
approval of the national parties.
3) Modify the training/certification
4) Increase flexibility of temporary
5) Revise the responsibilities of
skilled trades working
6) Redefine job preference.
7) Simplify/streamline overtime
administration procedures.
8) Modify the vacation time off
9) Add requirement for employees to
report absences in advance.
10) Revise the process for shift
preferences and/or employee moves to
different shifts and clarify the timing
as to when the changes in shifts take
11) Alter the schedule that the Payroll
department is required to have someone
here at the plant.
12) Change temporary and permanent
layoff procedure.
1) One big department with one
classification – grunt.
2) No overtime pay.
3) No certification necessary as all
training will be eliminated.
4) No permanent positions.
5)......to include janitorial duties
6) All jobs assigned daily by bosses’s
7) Boss simply asks his/her favorites.
8) No time off in spring, summer, or
fall. Only one person per shift per
department per season.
9) No unanticipated absence allowed on
any day up to and including death of
10) All shift preferences and transfers
subject to the supervisor’s mood.
11) Don’t call us. We’ll call you.
12) Management will layoff whoever they
want, whenever they want, for h

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