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Date Posted: 19:28:24 11/21/03 Fri
Author: Bill Hanline
Subject: job security

To Detroit News:

On the 18th of November it was reported that the IUE-CWA reached an agreement that covered the 10,000 members they represent with Delphi. The agreement contained a plant closing moratorium for the 4 year length of the new agreement.

Amongst those plants Delphi agreed to keep open for the next four years several were in the new Automotive Holding Group. That were slated to be closed if they didn't become competitive with their foreign rivals.

I have kept a journal made up of articles written during the UAW contract talks. During those talks the media seemed composed to the Idea that Delphi needed to shrink it's work force and the media praised the UAW leadership for allowing Delphi the right to do so through a new style of labor relations exhibited by Mr. Gettelfinger and his staff.

I have researched articles about the IUE contract talks through Google and other search engines and failed to find an article in Detroit News or the Freepress about the IUE contract settlement. WHY is This?

Are you all ashamed of having to save face with your readers because of you and your colleagues misplaced trust in the corporate hack at Solidarity House and how they mendaciously mislead you all during UAW contract talks?

I believe there were many of us who wrote to all of you begging you all to take a realistic look at what was being said and what was happening and report the truth.

The IUE-CWA contract with Delphi is a kick in the pants of the members who voted for the Delphi-UAW agreement and a black eye on the face of our International union for not negotiating job security protection such as the IUE did! Not just for the UAW members but for the communities who will be losing the jobs and plants Delphi will close over the life of our agreement.

Shame on you all for not being objective and open minded during the UAW contract negotiations.

William D. Hanline
Athens Alabama

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