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Date Posted: Saturday, April 02, 09:12:01pm
Author: Mr. Fabulous
Author Host/IP: core0.db3net.net /
Subject: C'mon, ST, where's that Christ-like humility?
In reply to: ST 's message, "I'm sorry, I will not do that." on Saturday, April 02, 07:24:49pm

>I saw some of the posts

Then what are you complaining about? You can read the forum by using another IP. All is well.

>And there will be no apology.

Big baby.

>If you set up a board on a free server, you agree to
>abide by the TOS of that server. From my reading of
>Voy's TOS, Q's post was in violation of that TOS and
>should have been deleted.

Hmmm... hey ST... a little food for thought here: do you think that the fact that Voy took no action whatsoever means that you were wrong about that? Think about it.

If you were right, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

>When you refused to delete
>the post, I went over your head, just as you went over
>mine when you reversed my ban on Q when I was deputy

Uhh... the sheriff doesn't go over the deputy's head. The sheriff IS over the deputy's head. If the deputy screws up, like you did, the sheriff takes the reins. What don't you understand about this?

>As I have said before, I was wrong when you banned me
>last year because I kept fighting with Q after you
>told us both to stop. I apologized because I was out
>of line. I do not believe I was wrong here, especially
>considering that I did not break any of your
>rules regarding posting at R&RC.

It's a morality thing, ST. Deliberately trying to screw over someone just because you didn't get your way is a pretty fucked up way of dealing with people. Jesus wouldn't do it. Why do you?

>While I understand why you banned me from
>posting at R&RC, I still think it is extremely
>childish to ban me from viewing the board.

Self-preservation, my self-important friend. Who knows what you'll blow out of proportion next to try to screw over Rosie.

Mr. Fabulous

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