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Date Posted: 18:39:41 12/23/04 Thu
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
Let us put it bluntly, tell the truth and be honest with self, because I whole-heartedly agree with one person here. This internet site was built for the very nasty [hence its name “Fannies”], yes nasty evil, so very evil people to use it for the destruction of Hafan-y-Coed. Most of them having been to Hafan-y-Coed in the past and have not got their own way, they are all in their own small way destroying Hafny. They are NOT, and I repeat NOT destroying the people who are there now. I know this because those people who are there now bounce back, sooner or later they will have gone elsewhere to help others develop and so they can progress in their own personal spiritual enlightenment. The owners now, will be dead and the site before that unfortunately will go to something else IF you all carry on like this. IT IS UP TO YOU ALL remember FREE WILL. Only you evil, NASTY people can change Hafan-y-Coed’s destiny by changing self. It is going to look well for you “ALL” WHO POST HERE in one form and another, when you look back and say to yourself in the mirror, and of course say to others you will brag to, I HAD A HAND IN THE CLOSING DOWN OF HAFAN-Y-COED as a spiritual centre “IF IT HAPPENS”. But there again, you can always make an excuse to yourself can’t you? This site was put here for you to do just that, etc.
Carry on as you are doing and it will happen, MARK MY WORDS FRIENDS!!!!!! [“Friends” I don’t think so; “who love Hafan-y-Coed”, I don’t think so].
Using this Internet site that has become evil through the likes of the many un-named postees is not about individuals like Allan and Barbara (Babs) Mayze, Peter Adams, Fiona and Jean Duncan, Paulette Cove, Tracy and John Feltner, Carol Sharp, Andrew and Lynne Ryan, or anyone else who uses their own name and their many false names as most of these people do. It is the mindless, evil, UNDERHANDED minority [you know who you are] continually adding to the rubbish and continually using this site for their evil and the total destruction of a spiritual site that Hafan-y-Coed has become, and POSSIBLY will not be there for the future of the up and coming Mediums and mediumistic people, if they carry on in this way. Please forget about personalities and help if you are suppose to be spiritual people wanting Hafan-y-Coed to survive as a spiritual site. Bury your differences and stop adding remarks that only encourage the evil intent of others who have ulterior motives. Like wanting Hafan-y-Coed for themselves, only them and no one else. Only wanting Hafan-y-Coed to be run their way, and no other way. Wanting a different person to run the site and only the one they choose. After being asked to leave Hafan-y-Coed, doing everything in their power to have it close. Posting under many names so people do not know who they are, many take the bait and posting replies in anger thinking it is someone else, etc.
Don’t think any of this applies to you? LOOK in the mirror and say that to your reflection and then answer TRUTHFULLY. Tell that TRUTHFULLY to the Spirit World when you say your prayers. Ask SPIRIT for forgiveness if it is you, then that day forward change your ways.
This year I have been called mad, stupid, an idiot, D-head, plonker, for working as I do and putting all my effort into keeping this place going, probably I am all of these I do not care because I do it for the Spirit World and for the people who are in the future going to be coming to Hafan-y-Coed to learn.
Let us all work together for the Spirit World and the places of learning no matter where, and no matter which person owns them
This means trying to work together to help every centre throughout country and the world that is starting up for the benefit of the budding and developing Mediums, and not try to manipulate others for our own agenda and ego’s. Forget about personalities that rub you up the wrong way, they all move on eventually in one-way or another.
With Spirit’s guidance and in the future the GOOD, GENUINE people helping, Hafan-y-Coed will survive.
Please help us all at Hafan-y-Coed, firstly, by stop looking at the nasty posts here and revelling in them. Secondly stop posting nastiness no matter what is said about you; YES walk away; remember it is a stronger person that walks away from a fight, anyone can get into one. Thirdly try to help in some small way this wonderful tranquil spiritual place of learning that Hafan-y-Coed has become. Go on try your first step today. I have been helping now throughout the turmoil all this year and a lot longer before that, I now think it is time I had my say. I do not wish to offend anyone BUT to make you all think about what you are doing to Hafan-y-Coed and yourself. Yes what others all over the world of the internet think of you. Are you proud?.
I would not have stayed so long helping at Hafan-y-Coed if I thought Hafan-y-Coed was going to close as a Spiritual Centre NO MATTER WHO OWNS IT. YES I have not liked some things that have gone on, and have blasted off many a time at Allan and others, but I stuck in there brushing the difficulties aside because of the people who need help in developing their gifts, and seeing the overall need for Hafan-y-Coed to survive for the spiritual, and non-spiritual local people, all Wales, this country and the rest of the world. I hope I have done it in truth and sincerity for the Spirit World.
Hafan-y-Coed might close for a short time for the continuance of the building work BUT IT WILL progress as a spiritual centre long after Allan, Babs, Jean, Fiona, Peter, John, Tracy, Andrew, Lynne, Carol, and myself have parted from our earthly bodies, each one having put their own individual mark on the place. Come and put your good stamp on the place we will always need help as it is a big place. Hafny always has things for people to do. Please turn over a new leaf this coming year; make it your New Year resolution, LET ALL THE NASTINESS GO. Start afresh.
I will be back at Hafan-y-Coed for the New Year party enjoying myself, then I will continue the best I can next year helping out again. Come along and do your bit for Hafan-y-Coed.
BE AWARE the rest of the world read this Kevin West site as they do other spiritual sites, imagine what they must think of you all. Make this internet site Spiritual from now, and next year let the anger go, begin anew. I challenge Kevin to clear ALL comments from the Fannies site on New Years Eve and let us see what becomes of it. Let us make it the best Spiritual site on the net and surprise everyone the world over.
For all who post here over Christmas and New Year, I will drink every person’s health and send them love in two pints of Guinness and later with a big slug of whisky mixed with the same amount of Baileys (or an Irish cream drink [“Delaines” or “Carolan’s”, cheap from Asda, Baileys is best though]) topped up with milk to taste; what a beautiful drink, don’t knock it, try it. Do not mix lemonade with it because it curdles. I will have one or three of them as well.
I will send special thoughts over the holiday period to all who have given their time in the past to Hafny NO MATTER WHO they are, and hope all rifts heal in the coming year. I will sincerely pray for that.
Let the bitterness go NOW. You only hurt yourself with the cancer of it. Yes bitterness eats into you.
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
May God Bless You All, no matter who you are, Good or Bad, and whatever Nom de Plume you go under. Love and Light for the remainder of this year, the next, and forever.
May next year be a better one for all.
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