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Subject: Re: Please think

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Date Posted: 10:09:40 12/24/04 Fri
Author Host/IP: lutn-cache-12.server.ntli.net/
In reply to: D R T KEEGHAN 's message, "Please think" on 18:39:41 12/23/04 Thu

I think you will find Roy that most of the posts on here is about keeping Hafen open as a Spiritual Centre, from people who care very much about Hafen, but feel very strongly about who is running it and the way it has been run down since Alan took over control, maybe at heart Alan wants the best for Hafen, but unfortunely he has gone the wrong way about it, the place is not as successful as it was when Jean Duncan was running, and yes maybe you can run down Jean for her way, and she had complaints, but tell me of any organisation that does not have complaints, and what of the complaints levelled against Alan and Co.
Alan has had some very good people working at Hafen, but one by one they have left, complaining about his attitude and lack of truthfulness.
Sometimes we all have to swallow our pride, and maybe it is time Alan did, and ask the right people in to make Hafen the success it deserves to be, for a start he does not have to look that far, maybe the next town.
I have to say to Alan, stop looking over your shoulder at the past and what has happened, but look to the future and see what success you could make of Hafen with the right people, people who really care for Hafen in the right Spiritual way, and not the material way of some you have there now.
Here's hoping Hafen will becaome one of the best spiritula Centre's in Britain, because it could be.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Please thinkIn agreement
11:33:28 12/24/04 Fri
  • Re: Please think -- on next year, 12:08:05 12/24/04 Fri (dial81-131-174-102.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
    • Re: Please think -- OnLooker, 13:07:35 12/24/04 Fri (lutn-cache-12.server.ntli.net/
    • Re: on next year -- Tom, 18:39:46 12/24/04 Fri (webcacheH08b.cache.pol.co.uk/
    • Re: Please think -- Good, 16:43:10 12/25/04 Sat (81-86-107-1.dsl.pipex.com/
    • Re: Please think again -- Forget it, 13:13:37 12/27/04 Mon (webcacheH02a.cache.pol.co.uk/

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