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Subject: Re: What has happened

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Date Posted: 13:33:09 02/22/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: Laubervilliers-151_12-1-53.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr/
In reply to: JENNY 's message, "Re: What has happened" on 11:49:29 02/22/05 Tue

You have forgotten Jock Mac Arthur (alias Papingo) ... From the beginning of the plot against JD, he had his plan about taking HYC over, specially for having his name on the top of all the posters in UK. I call that the scots connection...

In fact Jock is the worst. I think HE IS THE ONE WHO HAD THE IDEA OF HAVING THE SCOTS HANDS ON HYC (It is amazing the number of scavengers who had formed the plan to take HYC over... Sad moment for the humanity !). He is a great opportunist. He can destroy any people's reputation, shamelessly, but he will only do it under a pseudo, or in the back of the people. Never in the front ! He is using his real first name only to pretend to be a medium or a good guy. It is his use of pseudo which is the most revealing of his true personality, because then he is not hidding his real self...

As soon as Jock published his picture on SDF, long time ago, and said that he was also in the car business, I have immediately understood the link with peter Adams behind all the HYC ugly plot... Who knows, may be there are more than we think about the scots connection in the killing of the poor young guy who has been shot with a bullet...

For the people who are new on this forum, and who are not aware of what I am talking about : a young guy received a phone call telling him that his girlfriend would meet him somewhere. When he went at the meeting point, no girlfriend ! Only Peter Adams waiting for him, and shooting him with a weapon ! Peter Adams has been jailed many years for this crime. The other men, friends of Jail of Peter Adams, have also changed their name... One of them is running HYC under a new first name and a new family name.

They criticized the physical workshops of JD in HYC, but the first thing the scots connection did was to copy JD's way of working, and they applyed the same JD's blood test for sugar analysis to their physical workshops to impress the naïve students (without telling them who was at the origin of the idea, of course !)... They are using also JD's copper pyramid... Stupid and nasty they are. They are so naïves ! As they never judge themselves, they think the spirits who are at the origin of JD's pyramid will accept to work with them... They have a long way before they fully understand how these physical experiments work, and that the spirits, who witnessed everything about their ugly manipulations, are intelligent, so they react to anything which is wrong... They have their morality rules !

One thing is sure, these guys, who are good for their own marketing, work by copying the ideas of the others. And they will do that anywhere they will go. And as they are wild and nasty and are born predators, they do not know what is to be gratefull, so for them destroying the reputation of theirs teachers is a normal process too. They don't even imagine that they can behave with Honour, even anonymously or with a pseudo...

As I wrote on KW's forum, Jock has tryed to copy some ITC pictures and documents on my web site, two years ago, without even asking for it...when it was so easy to ask me. Another attempt to steal one's ideas and the years of work in the back ! And then, he had the hell of gall to complain about the copyrights of our site !


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Re: What has happenedshirley
16:24:00 02/22/05 Tue

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