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Subject: Re: What has happened

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Date Posted: 16:24:00 02/22/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: host213-122-207-55.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
In reply to: Maryse 's message, "Re: What has happened" on 13:33:09 02/22/05 Tue

It seems Jock and others saw through all of you any way and even I can see through the latest outburst of untruths.It is oviouse you all are in need of a lot of healing and love.I will send it to you all.By the WAY WHY IS THE RIGHT CLICK DISABLED ON YOUR SITES I allways thought spiritualist people cared and shared. It is evident you do not! even this site allows anyone to copy and paste as you have shown us in the past.I am no stanger to research and all of scientific work has all been done before by Sir Willian Crookes and others it looks to me you are only confirming the work they did as anyone else can.As to the copper ring pointer thingy it is too close to a ouji board and should be shunned by all.As spiritualists we have moved on and left all of this table knocking and occult work in the past where it belongs if you cannot move on then you indeed need help.God bless you all Shirl

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Re: What has happenedMaryse
17:32:40 02/22/05 Tue

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