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Subject: Joe Power

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Date Posted: 23:06:37 05/31/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: lutn-cache-12.server.ntli.net/

5th June till 10th June,,,,at Hafan,,,,,quote "An Exceptional Week of Mediumship"......Now that is most certainly breaking the Trade Discription Act....Joe Power is as exceptional as last weeks news,,,,a complete fake,,,,,now it is a case of a student trying to outdo a master,,,,two years ago, Joe Power was a student at Hafan,,now he is a tutor,,,now that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.....he is Liverpool's answer to Jock Mc Noo...just as boring,,,,,on the same ego trip, but with nothing to have a ego about....by accident I saw him on tv at a friend's house, one night, three hours of solid boredom and complete rubbish, well not exactly three hours, I only watch it for a little while,,,but it seemed like three hours, he gave the same message to everyone who texted in, my friend who waxth's this channel quite often, says he is the worse on there,,,,,I would hate to see anyone worse than he was.,,,and these poor people are paying quite a lot of maney to hear his drabble,,,all I can say to them,,,is watch the first text, and hear his answer,, because that is the answer you will get and for free.When I was there with him at Hafan two years ago,,he was rubbish,,,still is,,,but it proves that the sad decline of Hafan is now at the lowest ebb, surely Spirit must step in soon, how much longer will they see poor people being taken for a ride there, the sad thing is,,even now if they get a good tutor,,,people being conned once , won't take a second chance, and anybody going to this centre for the first time at any centre might be put off of going to any centre again, How sad...

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Re: Joe PowerQuaint Irene
19:14:17 06/02/05 Thu

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