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Subject: Re: Hot off the press!

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Date Posted: 11:24:04 07/31/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: user-7269.lns6-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk/
In reply to: OnLooker 's message, "Re: Hot off the press!" on 10:03:58 07/31/05 Sun

I think that if Alan and Babs want to get out with their dignity intact this is the time to do it. Hanging on much longer will only harm them and worse, Hafan Y Coed. If they love Hafan as much as they say they do, and as much as we definitely do, they will go. They must find it in their hearts to sell it for a reasonable price and to someone who can run it as it deserves, in true Spirituality. It should never have been a B & B or a ramblers hostel, it is spiritual land and should be used for the development and advancement of Spiritualism. I can't see it ever succeeding until this happens. I love Hafan with a passion and would dearly love to see it restored to its glory days when none of us wanted to leave on the Saturday, full weeks then mind, and our first priority before we left was to make sure that we had a safe and definite booking for next time. Please Alan, move on, do what you are good at, retire even, but leave spiritual matters to the spiritual people. You have hurt and offended so many people, several of whom I still have contact with, and there really is no hope for you there now. Find another outlet for whatever it is you hoped to achieve at Hafan Y Coed.

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Re: Hot off the press!Knowledge
15:32:14 07/31/05 Sun

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