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Subject: Re: Hot off the press!

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Date Posted: 23:11:31 08/17/05 Wed
Author Host/IP: ASte-Genev-Bois-154-1-2-253.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr/
In reply to: Mole 's message, "Re: Hot off the press!" on 12:08:07 08/17/05 Wed

Jock the Noo!

Well, Mole has answered the same thing I would have said

In fact, Jock, when you talked badly about Robin Foy for example, it was in front of every body, at HYC at the time of JD management. Next time, be careful on what you say in public, or be a man and take the responsibility of what your mouth say (with wiskey, or without wiskey!)! Under the Pseudo "Papingo", all your nasty comments against JD has also been written in front of every body on KW's forum, and when you wrote on SDF, under your real name that you have passed a scanner a certain day, and wrote the same thing on KW's Forum under your pseudo Papingo, you were the one who was revealing who you were to everybody...

My recent comment is only because you tryed it again, viciously, about Stephen O' Brian, just because someone talked about his new school on KW' Forum (again in front of everybody!). You should learn to take care only about your business, and also to learn to work on yourself, in lieu of still expressing your lowerself after many years, and in lieu of still trying to demolish others'reputation, (which tell us that there is no improvement about you spiritual development).

May I give you a suggestion ? Please, meditate on the higherself, and on what it means, on what it involves.

Oh! by the way, next time, keep your threats of court prosecution, and blah, and blah, and blah, for simple mind, or uneducate people. For me, threats are gangsters'style, and it reminds me all the threats of all sorts that JD and her family have received from your very special friends... (even death threats!!! About 30 letters of threats, on top of the demolition campaign in which you took part very actively yourself because you planned to be a tutor at HYC).

If you expect any applause for your deeds, you will not have it from me, that's for sure ! May be no one told you : "shame of you!", then I say it to you now : "SHAME OF YOU !" . Until now, you have not even presented your apologize to JD, which would have told us that you could feel shame or remorse. you must find it too difficult probably to face and admit your errors. That's why, in your case, my suggestion of daily meditation on the higherself would be very very appropriate.

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Re: Hot off the press!Sol
13:34:48 08/20/05 Sat

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