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Subject: Nobody knows anything

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Date Posted: 08:13:05 01/04/05 Tue
In reply to: Sara 's message, "haha" on 08:04:26 12/24/04 Fri

Well I find all these posts rather interesting. I know, well not so well, but I know of Gary and Sara and from what I do know they're nothing like what I have read on here. They're great people. I am also aware of the whole situation that is taking place with them and their little thing from august and I have also seen the chick that got injured and they do not deserve what they are going through. Yes I know you may think that they do but seriously, the girl is ok right?! That should be all that matters I didn't even see a scratch on her and Gary and Sara can't do shit all and it's been like 5 months how fair is that? I don't think it's fair at all. and what's with somebody saying Gary has a child lol that's funny cause I'm sure he'd be taking care of it if he had one I'd like to know who it's with as well. You also have Sara all wrong, do you know her personally? didn't think so or you would know she is the sweetest girl ever. She gives great advice and she would do anything for anybody. Yeah I am sure she has made some mistakes in the past but hasn't everybody? Sara has changed a lot and most of the shit you think she has done anyway isn't true, it's just you stupid little bitches making shit up to get attention, if you really want attention put your name down and I'm sure you'll get plenty. Anyway I think this whole voy shit is ridiculous I just heard about Sara being on here and wanted to put in my 2 cents. But isn't this suppose to be about the boys? Then why not write about them and not the so called girls getting it on with them, cause you never get the names right.
Have a good one!

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hahahaookk19:23:40 01/08/05 Sat

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