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Subject: You are all

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Date Posted: 13:47:40 12/09/04 Thu
In reply to: ahahah your a joke 's message, "ya ya" on 11:26:07 12/09/04 Thu

HAHAHAHAHAHA I laugh right in your fuckin face you gutless pig... I think its funny how u think you no it all but really you don't no shit you really are stupid..... the posts about Patty knocking someone up happened at the end of the season and Amanda and him hooked up not long after the super bowl party they were at, so try again and she hasn't ever told anyone she is pregrnat u dumb fuck.. so next time you try and write a post on here maybe you should no what the hell you are talking about first...to tell you the truth after the shit between her and Patty happned she didnt say a word to anyone cause its HER BUISNESS not anyone elses and she wanted to keep it that way until she had people commin and asking her becuae he told the wrong people so all you dumb pigs who come on here just to cause shit at least make it true caue i just laugh at what you are writing caue i no its not true.... and i hope Amanda knows not to let it bother her she handled it last year and im sure she can do it again... AMANDA i love you to death girl and dont let this shit bother you ... she had enough of it last year why the hell are we talkin about the same shit again if you wanna come on here and wirte shit at least write someone we didn't hear over and over again last year... give us some new shit... oh wait u cant caue she hasn't dont anything.... peace out SLUTS

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megan and amanda are awesome shit**********15:31:54 12/09/04 Thu

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