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Date Posted: 16:57:42 11/13/03 Thu
Author: Russell
Subject: Re: Nissan 14 Communion
In reply to: Debbie 's message, "Nissan 14 Communion" on 15:53:52 11/13/03 Thu

Well Debbie – its goes along the line of “not my will but thy will” or we can look at as “do not add to the word or take away from it”

YHVH instated Passover for many reasons but the main one was that it was a image (foreshadow) of the Messiah as the sacrificed lamb that took away the sins of the world – once the Messiah fulfilled the Passover we observe it as memorial to Him on Nissan 14 – Yahsuhua gave us personal instructions (commands) on how He wanted us to remember Him – Now, if fulfill those commands and then we add more things to them – like do them more times – do part of them more and other parts less – we are adding to the word – and I know its with good intensions we do these things that give praise and honor and thanks to Yah when we do them – but by adding to the word we are creating “traditions of man” which we have been trying to overcome for some time now – separating Yah’s word from mans traditions is what we asked for and I don’t remember having a pick and chose option. Understanding the truth about communion (what scriptures say) and the practice of what we understand those scriptures to mean should be what we strive for……………..

The ol’ Church of Christ has a motto that I’ve always thought to be wise it says, “to speak where the bible speaks and to be silent where the bible is silent” we will find that the communion that was commanded for us to observe was on Nissan 14 only - we should then speak where the bible speaks and observe it Nissan 14 only – and we also find that all other variants of the communion observance are the traditions of men and not in scripture – we should then be silent where the bible is silent – and not participate in those traditions.

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  • Re: Nissan 14 Communion -- John, 00:22:37 11/14/03 Fri

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