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Date Posted: 02:47:15 11/20/03 Thu
Author: Russell
Subject: Re: Dietary Laws
In reply to: John 's message, "Re: Dietary Laws" on 10:33:16 11/19/03 Wed

That’s good ol’ Church of Christ mindset you got going there – But I’m not buying it – the idea that a certain standard of Yahweh’s word applied to one generation and not another – What happened to Him being the same today, yesterday and forever – this thinking is a excuse for the why the first century Believers kept the law – and so for later anti-Jewish Christians to justify themselves for not keeping the law – they came up with it being for the early believers only – I don’t think so – this type of thinking is how the church has perpetuated babies in the word from generation to generation – I think the roots of why the church leaders wanted to keep the believers immature in the was to better control them – and I’m saying in all these posts if your mature in the word you will find no offense in the law – you won’t look for loop holes – and you will be able to see Yahweh’s word through out the scriptures:

Just like Rom. Chap. 14 – Why do Christian always think that he’s talking against people who are keeping the dietary laws and not the ones who aren’t? Its because of they’re mindset they have already concluded in their minds – BEFORE YOU COULD READ YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD EAT WHAT YOU WANT ED– so when get old enough to read the bible - guess what you automatically skew the scriptures to say you can eat anything – (YOU’VE DONE IT ALL YOUR LIFE WHY )– They read into them that what you think the scriptures say automatically - and its naturally going to be against those who eat clean foods – This is call Isogesis – To read into, or bring your own meaning into a text. That is why it so hard to accept simple text about not eating pork, – but if your doctors says don’t eat pork you don’t question him – you don’t say I’ve ate pork all life or pork is good – but pork is farm raised now – why will people accept there doctors word and not the testimony of Peter - Acts 10:14 But Peter said, "By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean." – I will tell you why because they grew up eating pork – If you die to the outer man and seek out the truth in scriptures with open heart willing to receive that truth without the reservations of what we thought the scriptures say – there will be a lot less nit picking over one thought or phrase – to justify to why we use to do something – Its all about maturity – and freely loving Yahweh’s word in willful (not mandatory) obedience – because the is written in our hearts now – very very simple

Acts Chap. 10 is self explanatory you may have to read it all the way through closely – its not about food – it was never about food – its about accepting the gentiles and doing away with the segregation laws – with signs (the vision) to validate what was being don’t – and that’s it very very simple

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