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Subject: Re: !Deleted!

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Date Posted: 20:21:15 11/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Tye & T.J 's message, "Re: !Deleted!" on 17:31:58 11/13/03 Thu

The scent of the food struck her sensitive nose almost cruelly–a decent meal had not presented itself to the young wanderer in far too long. Shifting on anxious paws, she lowered her nose nearly to the ground and studied the bowls with almost wolfish eyes. But even this intense hunger did not blind her from caution, and she stepped slowly forward to peer out the door the man had disappeared through. Looking back over her shoulder to the living room where Ty still lay, she stood breathless, her stomach and lean ribs aching at the enticing reminder of her starved condition. Am I a thief? Or am I expected to share? Slinking forward, she cast a final wary glance toward the patio and dove into one of the bowls and, in the most unlady-like fashion, the young dog bolted down the contents of the bowl. How much better this was than gutter garbage and filthy tidbits found in fields! Not daring to lift her muzzle from this most treasured meal, she rolled her eyes toward the door, expecting a violent attack for her pillaging. But...even as hungry as she was, she slowed her furious pace before the contents had been devoured; unaccustomed to such generous meals, her small, empty stomach could hold no more and as she finally licked the bowl empty of all contents, she backed away and left the other bowls untouched. Lapping her tongue over her lips, she paused, uncertain of what would come next. Again she looked back for Tye. Again she looked for the man outside the door. The fresh air of the outdoors brushed in through the door and rustled her fine-haired scruff. The click-clack of toenails sounded through the kitchen as she stepped forward to the glass door and slipped out onto the patio, well aware of the man's presence but so baffled by this whole strange situation as to look to him for answers to voiceless questions. Why am I here? Must I be kicked? Am I a bad dog for having disturbed the bowls?

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Re: !Deleted!T.J & Tye06:20:13 11/15/03 Sat

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