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Date Posted: 09:05:42 06/29/14 Sun
Author: Betsy
Subject: My Husband's Hair

After several years of trying to convince my husband to do something different with his hair, he agreed to go to the beauty salon where I get my hair done. The stylist cut his hair and then proceeded to start setting his hair in rollers. I was shocked and my husband was speechless. She explained that setting his hair would give him some curl, make his hair appear fuller and provide some lift. After his hair was set, she put a hairnet over the rollers and he spent over half an hour under the dryer. I actually thought he looked cute with his hair in rollers and sitting under the dryer next to a couple of women. He did not appear happy.

Once he was dry, she removed his rollers and gently back combed his hair into what I thought was a nice but slightly feminine style. As she was combing him out she started talking about how his hair would hold a set much better if he got a perm. My husband indicated he did not want a perm and did not intend to set his hair at home. But I did like his style and asked him to consider getting a perm. I am looking for some advice. Since his appointment at the beauty salon he has let me set his hair after a shower and he has slept in his rollers or sat under my bonnet dryer. But he is reluctant to get a perm. I keep begging him but he refuses. I try to tell him that if will sleep with his hair in rollers, a perm is no big deal. His hair will hold his set longer and I think it would be great. Does anyone have a husband who perms his hair? Do they use rollers? Do they look too feminine after the perm? I need some ideas to help convince my husband to get the perm........thanks.

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