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Date Posted: 07:27:24 09/22/04 Wed
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t.,s.f.t., p.n.s. - ISSA, USSA, ISFN
Subject: Follow up to your question
In reply to: Susie 's message, "Re: What you should know about Cortislim" on 04:33:33 09/19/04 Sun

Here is something to look at.

The main ingredent is magnolia bark and supposidly works by reducing 'stress', thus eliminating the cortisol element... but it also has vanadyl, orange bitter ,chrominum go to: http://www.supplementwatch.com/supatoz/supplement.asp?supplementId=380 for the breakdown and cursor on the supplemnt watch for each ingredent..........they do not recomend it for weight loss

>If it sounds too good to be true - dah.
>Have never done a message board before - so if you get
>this let me know. Here the Cortislim ads way too
>often on radio. Being the mailman has its downside.
>Have categorized that fool in my mind with the idiot
>woman yelling about the carpet sale on the bypass.
>Maybe go walk Nicky for a few minutes before I let
>Moses out. Maybe more people should just get a dog -
>I have two up for grabs.........................
>>What you Should Know About CortiSlim
>> I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of
>>hearing about CortiSlim and Dr. Greg Cynamon (you've
>>got to read this!) and the claims regarding
>> According to their website, Cortislim works by
>>controlling weight gain and accelerating weight-loss
>>by negating the effects of the hormone cortisol.
>>What is Cortisol?
>> Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone and is
>>vital for many physiological functions -- proper
>>glucose metabolism, blood pressure, immune function
>>and inflammatory response to name a few.
>> However, when a person is stressed, (mental or
>>physical), the body can produce an excessive amount of
>>cortisol. At these high levels, cortisol can
>>negatively affect cognitive performance, suppress
>>thyroid function, foster blood sugar imbalances and
>>the subsequent deposition of body-fat, and decrease
>>bone density. Certainly, athletes don't like
>>cortisol, as it is catabolic -- (muscle-wasting)
>>rather than anabolic (muscle building).
>>Get Real
>> While it can be argued that excess cortisol levels
>>may be somewhat responsible for excess fat deposition
>>and further weight (body-fat) gain -- it is quite a
>>stretch to claim that reduced cortisol levels will
>>actually help in reducing the body-fat a person has
>>already accumulated.
>>Cortislim Ingredients
>> The most important ingredient in this formula is
>>Magnolia Bark, standardized for honokiol. Here's what
>>Supplement Watch says about it...
>>"... a small dose of honokiol, or a magnolia bark
>>extract standardized for honokiol content, can help to
>>"de-stress" you without making you sleepy, while a
>>larger dose might have the effect of knocking you out.
>>When compared to pharmaceutical agents such as Valium
>>(diazepam), honokiol appears to be as effective in its
>>anti-anxiety activity, yet not nearly as powerful in
>>its sedative ability."
>>For more see...
>> The other major ingredients in this formulation --
>>chromium, green tea, banaba leaf, and vanadyl all help
>>to stabilize blood sugar levels and moderate insulin
>>reaction. Also included is Citrus Aurantium (bitter
>>orange) standardized for synephrine -- ephedra's
>>kinder, gentler cousin. Again, from Supplement Watch:
>>"A recent study conducted in dogs suggests that
>>synephrine and octopamine can increase metabolic rate
>>in a specific type of fat tissue known as brown
>>adipose tissue (BAT). This effect would be expected to
>>increase fat loss in humans – except for one small
>>detail – adult humans don’t have brown adipose tissue
>>to speak of."
>>Here's the Truth
>> Cortislim probably can reduce levels of the stress
>>hormone cortisol through the effects of Magnolia Bark
>>contained in its formula.
>> Cortislim probably will NOT help people reduce the
>>amount of body-fat they have already accumulated.
>>Most people don't gain weight (body-fat) simply
>>because they are stressed (although for some, stress
>>does equate with overeating).
>>Most people gain weight (body-fat) because they are
>>inactive and consume too many calories.
>>Cortislim, has done an excellent job positioning their
>>product in such a way as to tap into one of the major
>>issues with today's hectic lifestyle -- stress, and
>>offers yet, another "magic pill" solution. "I am
>>stressed..., therefore I am fat, therefore, I must
>>take CortiSlim!"
>>Finally, there is substantial scientific evidence that
>>proper nutrition and consistent exercise/physical
>>activity will keep stress and coritsol levels in

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