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Date Posted: 04:37:12 02/28/05 Mon
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t., s.f.t, s.p.n.
Subject: Paying the price...are you willing?

Getting in shape; losing weight; bodyshaping; athletic performance; getting that flat belly and six pack. All of these are worthy endevors. All of them do require hard work. Question is, are you working hard enough? Are you willling to pay the price?

The truth of the matter is, achieveing the goals you want requires hard work and an investment of time. It is not as easy as the infomercials would have you to believe or some big health club chains that attempt to lure you in with promises of flat bellys and rehshaped bodies in just a few weeks.

As an example, let me use the "abdominal" issue. Many women want a flat belly. Afterall, it's what all the exercise equipment advertisments are showing along with the diet plans and pills. It plays on your fears, emotions and places you in a position of inferiority because they make you think that everyone has this wonderful looking midsection except you. But if you use their products or exercise equipment, then you too will have the same glorious midsection. But how many have attempted this and still walk around with a lousy looking midsection? Too many to count.

The fact is, achieving these wonderful looking midsections requires a few things. They are as follows:

1. A low bodyfat percentage. For men, it will be at least 7% bodyfat, for women, it can start at 15% but typically will begin to manifest themselves at around 12%.

2. You MUST strength train. This is the number one rule. Strength training is the only thing that can create the overload on the muscle necessary to create abdominal devlopment. Research shows that the abdominal muscles are typically what is called fast twitch fibers. That means in order to bring them into a nice development, there must be weights applied and you must perform a full range of motion. High reps and iso-tension or iso-kinetic exercises will not do the job.

3. You have to eat a clean nutrition plan. Eating junk will in turn give you a junky looking body. Eating health and clean food will give you a healthy and lean body. You also have to eat according to your basil metabolic rate, physical activity expenditures and have an understanding of what is called Dynamic Action of Food. A certified peformance nutrition specialist can assist you with that.

4. You must work out. Yes, that is a requirement. Just following a simple walking plan is not going to do the job.It is going to require work. Work that is measured with your VO2 max heart rate. This is a complicated formula to figure, but a professionally certified ISSA trainer has the tools necessary to perform these tests.

5. Discipline, commitment and a vision. There are going to be times you want to quit your plan. That is understandable. We all want to quit from time to time. It is difficult and hard at best. But remember this, if this was easy, everyone would be doing it and everyone would have the beautiful body you see on t.v. The problem is, the number of people that you see in these ads are the minority, but they want you to believe that everyone looks like this if and only if you will use the products they are pushing on you.

6. Your program must be well rounded. There is a basic law of science that must be followed. That basic law or tenent is one that has been proven over and over again, in the field or in the research centers of the Universities in and around the world. They are as follows:

A. You must first engage in strength training. All the yoga, pilates, spinning and group aerobics classes will not give you the body, shape and change you are looking for.

B. Cardio training is next. Choose a cardio program that you enjoy and stick with it as long as you can train in the 60-80% of your VO2 max levels.

C. Add in supplemental training programs like pilates, yoga and other activities.

On the Pilates issue, I like what Bob Greene, Oprah's trainer said on nationwide t.v. (specifically her show) that Pilates was and is only a core conditioning exercise program and that is all it should be used for. When Joseph Pilates first developed his now famous program, it was back at a time when obesity hardly existed. That was in the late 1800's early 1900's. Things have changes tremendously. It takes a WHOLE LOT MORE WORK than what Pilates can give you to create the body you need and want.

So we are back to the original question. Are you willing to pay the price? Is it hard and difficult? Yes but it is worth the effort.

Is it going to take some time? Oh, by all means, it will take time. Anything worth having is worth working hard for. It is was easy to come by, you would not appreciate it for very long.

Does it take a lot to maintain? Again, yes. This is and should be a life long commitment, not just a short 12 week attempt to get in shape.

I have seen so many people who have gotten in such great shape only to lose it one they get there thinking it would just somehow hang around for the rest of their life. Tragic.

Hopefully this will help you to take stock in your current efforts to get in shape and re-evaluate your program. Smart planning and a well thought out strategy is what it takes to continue to move forward in your ongoing attempts to reshape the body of your life.

If I can ever be of assistance you can contact me at BioFit Exercise Technologies at 677-6767.

In the meantime, live healthy, live strong.

J.R.Smith, c.f.t., s.f.t., s.p.n.
BioFit Exercise Technologies
"The Intelligent Choice For Fitness"
3311 S. Hwy 27 Suite E in the Somerhill Center
Somerset, Ky. 42501

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