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Date Posted: 07:11:13 03/10/05 Thu
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t.,s.f.t., s.p.n. - ISSA, USSA, ISFN
Subject: What to look for in a trainer

So you are ready to get in shape. You have bought the clothes and shoes, thrown out all the junk food and have plans to cut back on drinking alcohol or softdrinks and committed to stop smoking and you are now ready to join the gym and jump on the first machine you see. You should be in shape, in what, 4 weeks? Well, that's what the t.v. infomercial said, right?

That is where the problem comes in. About 99% of all people on t.v. are NOT professionally certified trainers. Most so called Hollywood trainers are not real trainers or they have chosen to get by with the easiest certification they can in order to say they are certified.

In order to cut through all the confusion, you need a clear understanding of what to look for in a professionally certified trainer. I will attempt to clarify that here and I will even list the top 10 certifying agencies in the US so you will have even more confidence in the trainer you choose. So here goes......

First, if you work with anyone as a trainer or instructor of any kind, they should be certified. Instructors in the all women's fitness centers are not, I repeat, they are NOT certified trainers and to be on the safe side, you should only work with certified trainers.

A professionally certified trainer should possess the following:

1. A great personality. You should get along with your trainer easily and not have them bark orders at you like some drill instructors. That is okay for some people, but your trainer should be able to discern the difference in personalities. For the most part, the drill instructor attitude is unprofessional and applies to only about less than 1/2 of 1% of the poplulation of those who actually exercise in an age group of 25 years and less.

2. A "GOOD" certified personal trainer should possess more than one nationally recognized certification. In fact, most good trainers will have a minimum of 3 certifications. Typically one of the certifications is in performance nutrition.

3. Your trainer should have an experienced background in fitness, sports and athletics. These experiences can translate well into fitness and understanding the mechanics of exericse. Many trainers, although they may have a certification, don't have the training or the understanding of the mechanics involved in the actual weight lifting portion of a training program.

4. Your trainer should possess all the tools necessary to gather data and peform the necessary assessments and exploration phase of your training.

5. Your professional trainer should work with you in estabilishing a variety of exercise protocols, not just one. Pilates, yoga, and spinning or aerobics classes are just a "part" of your overall exercise program, but should never be the only thing you do. This is a sign that you have a trainer that is biased and may not deliever the results you are looking for.

6. Your trainer should provide you with documentation of their professional status as well as their ongoing educational requirements. You should ask to see their certifications and ask for referrals.

7. Your trainer should be either planning to take the national board exam or has already taken the national boards. If your trainer is not planning to do so, then they may be hiding something from you. Just like doctors have to take a national board medical exam, the fitness industry is now providing the professionally certified trainer with national board fitness exams. Always ask them if they have or are planning to take them. If they are not, go elsewhere.

8. Your trainer should be a member of the Kentucky Association of Fitness Professionals. If they are not, it could be they are not aware of this new professional association that brings together the fitness industry in Kentucky to assure the public of a competent or professional trainer. If they are not a member, ask them to contact us at this message board or at the number listed below.

The following are a list of the top 10 certifying agencies in the US. These are listed from the most professional and difficult curriculum which is approved by the National Board of Fitness Examiners to the least.

1. International Sports Sciences Association
(NBFE approved)

2. National Academy of Sports Medicine
(NBFE approved)

3. Cooper Institute for Aerobics
(NBFE approved)

4. American Aerobics and Fitness Association, AFAA
(NBFE approved)

5. National Endurance Strength Training Association, NESTA
(NBFE approved)

6. American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM
(NBFE approved)

7. National Federation of Professional Trainers, NFPT
(NBFE approved)

8. American Counsel on Exercise, ACE
(NBFE approved)

Remember, the further down the line, the less requirements are on the trainer to "know" the materials. In fact, ACE and NFPT do not at this time recognize nor suggest their trainers to take the national board exam.

In my professional opinion, I would use only certified trainers that have taken the national board exam.

For more information on the national board of fitness examiners, go to:


I hope this helps you in what to look for with a professional trainer. In the meantime, live healthy, live strong.

J.R.Smith, c.f.t., s.f.t., s.p.n.
Athletic Strength Coach & Personal Fitness Specialist
Health & Wellness Advisor
BioFit Exercise Technologies
The Intelligent Choice For Fitness - since 1990

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