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Subject: Touch of Death

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Date Posted: 20:08:06 09/23/04 Thu
In reply to: Ria 's message, "~ In this picture perfect life ~" on 18:15:23 09/23/04 Thu

((sorrys lost track of that i was typeing meant to))

feeling his friends presence without even having to look kazan nods slightly to her words holding the girl before him roughly up against the wall. slightly surprised at her backup perhaps he was getting through. pushing the thought back to the vault in his mind so none could see it he focused back on the girl. His strong and steely grip meant to bring pain. handsome human features staring back at her with the scary resemblance to the wolf who had been standing there seconds before.
growling soft and low dangerously calm Kazan releases the girls shoulder as she flays out to kick at him. movement swift and precise blocking her foot brushing it away as though it was a fly upon his pants. did I not tell you what would happen if you used violence against us? his words spoken both mentally and verbally hammering down upon her with a fiery fury. Though she may not be able to hear his mental words she would feel them ripping at her mind. the power he unleashed barely enough to be a whisper to Ria but enough to feel like thunder moving though the unshielded mind of the human.
catching the blade moving forth out of the corner of his eye Kazan shifts to the side slightly wondering how he had missed the blade she carried. Having deflected the kick Kazan brings his hand back up to the girls shoulder slamming it back against the wall his focus on her. mind wondering over the things he had learned, it was amazing what could be hidden. feeling the girl was secure kazan redirects his focus looking to Ria with a mental smirk pools shimmering with the fun he was having. turning back to face the girl he speaks quietly his lyrics betraying nothing. but since we need you for now perhaps your punishment should fall upon the child. It only seems fair. the blood lust of a hunter showing its self though his thoughts and tone of voice.

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Subject Author Date
. You wouldn't be here if it was perfect .Gloria Sanchez20:19:25 09/23/04 Thu
    ~it's not hard to tell something is not right~Ria21:16:00 09/23/04 Thu

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